Index California Indian Legal Services, 262, 299, 309 California Indian Manpower Consortium, 250,300 California Pacific Utility Company, 300 California Paiute-Shoshone Indians, 241, 267 California Rancheria Act, 260-261,282-283, 286,306 California Rural Indian Health Board, 239, 269,273,285,309 California Supreme Court, 270 Calista Business Investment Corporation, 8 Calista Corporation, 6,8, 12, 14, 19,21,26, 30,35,37,43,48,54,59, 66-67,74,84,89, 96, 100-101, 104-105, 107, 110, 112, 115116,121-122,132,134, 138-140,147-148, 150,152,159,163,167, 171,179-181,184, 188 Calista Distributors and Enterprises, 8 Calista Well Services, 8 Camai Medical Center, 114 Camas Prairie, 339 Camel Rock Casino, 467 Camp, 9,30,41-42,46-48,52-53, 55,57, 63, 66,77,83,94,104-105, 107-108,110,112, 115,117,121,124,126, 128,142,14-145, 147,168,171,175,184-185, 191,203,230, 239, 2U, 263-264,288,308,324, 332,357, 402,488,452,418,421, 565 Camp Grant Massacre, 202 Camp McDermitt Military, 420 Camp McDowell, 197 Camp McGarry Military Reserve, 426 Camp Oral, 201 Camp Reno, 197 Camp Verde Yavapai-Apache Reservation, 197-198,226 Camp Wright Military Reserve, 287 Campbell district, 259 (see also Hoopa Valley) Campbell Soup, 215 Campgrounds, 42, 118,198, 203, 209, 211, 213,222,238,245,249, 265-266,269-271, 273,277,283,285,288-289, 293,296,305, 309,324,363,359,371, 373,391,407,416, 424,441,467,471,475, 490,530,538,546547,559,583-584,615, 617,623,625 Camping, 189,203,206,217,219, 222,224226,234,237,241,244, 260,270,278,301, 307,313,334,345,368, 376,401-403,407, 485,411,437,440-441, 443,445,449,451, 467,471,417,429,475, 510,543,549,559, 564,585,588,602,608-609 Campion U.S. Air Force, 64 Campo Band of Mission Indians, 247-248 Campo Environmental Protection Agency, 247 Campo Indian Housing Authority, 247 Campo Indian Reservation, 247,265,271 Campo Material Company 247 Campo Tribal Government, 247 Campo Truck Trail, 247 Canadian, 5,7-10,62,70,80,110, 129,177, 292,296,304,336,354-355, 366,375,377, 389,403,407,445,478-480, 494-495,497, 501,505,507,510,513, 533,535-537,594 Canadian Valley Vo Tech, 507 Candy Mink Springs Wood Operation, 503 Canoes and Canoeing, 192, 227, 230, 294, 303,327,358,373,379, 383,389,393-394, 480,504,581,586,594-596, 598,604,609 Canoncito Resewation, 214, 438-439 (see also Navajo Nation) Canron West of Portland, 408 Cantwell Health Clinic, 34 CantWell (Village), 34 Canyonville, 542 Cape Blanco Airport, 542 Cape Flattery Resort, 588 Cape Fox Corporation, 158 Cape Fox Tlingits, 158 Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians, 248 Capitan Grande Reservation, 235,248,307 Capitola, Pitt 422 Capote, 312-314 Captain Jack, Chief, 522 Captain Sam, Shoshone leader, 415 Captain Vasili Golovin, 66 Car-Go convenience store, 342 Card room, 235, 371 (see also casino and Class III gaming) Career Development Center, 288 Carey Medical Center, 355 Caribou, 5, 18, 27, 39, 81, 88, 90, 126, 130, 153,163,171, Caribou County, 335 Carlton County, 380 Carnival Hotels, 363 Carolina Power, 488 Carolina Yamasees, 530 carpentry, 392-393, 614, 618 carpeting, 376 Carpinteria, 294 Carrizo, 201 Carson Colony, 414-415 Carson Colony Community Council, 414 Carson Sink, 419 Carter, 218,355-356,545,556, 611 Carter Seminav, 508 carvers, 596, 601 carving, 51, 65, 147, 157, 305, 594-595, 599, 605 Casa Blanca Market Plaza, 447 Casa Blanca RV Park, 208 Cascade Natural Gas Company, 547,586 Cash-income, 144,153,160 Cash Creek Indian Bingo, 289 Casino, 195,199,205,224-225, 235,243,245, 251,254,261-262,272, 274,281,289,301, 308,312,314,319-320, 342,345,351-352, 354,358-359,362-363, 366-373,375-376, 379-383,385,387-392, 394,396,405-406, 410-412,423,437,441, 449,454, 459/467, 477-478,485,490-491, 493-495,518,540, 542,556,558-564,580, 582,585-586,588590,594,600-602,605, 607,609,611,613616,618-621,623-625 Casino Apache, 449 Casino Company 351,363 Casino Morongo, 274 Casino Operation, 251,312,406 Casino Sandia, 459 Cass County 382 Castano, Gaspar, 451 Cataldo Mission, 331-332 Cataract Creek Canyon, 209 Catawba Festival, 554 Catawba Indian Nation, 553-554 Catawba Pottery Association, 554 Catawba Pottery Institute, 554 Catawba Reservation, 553-554 Catawba Village, 554 Catholic, 105, 219, 277, 290, 397, 399, 468, 494,520,547,593 Catholic Bishop, 262 Catholic Church, 188,235,375,407,458, 461 Catholic Mission, 19,131,334,447 Catholicism, 580 Catoosa, 503,505 Catron, 470 Cattaraugus County 473,475 Cattaraugus Reservation, 475-477 Cattle, 124, 195, 198,202,204,209-210, 212, 216,221,224,226,242, 247,250-252,256, 258-259,270-271,274, 276,284,287-288, 293,299,302,309,314, 323-325,331-332, 335,338,351,358,399, 403,405-407,416, 418,424-425,427-429, 431,437-438,444, 449-450,456,458-459, 461,463-464,466471,484,487,493,500-501, 503,507,509, 512-513,523,547-548, 558,561-563,569, 573,580,587,590,599, 601,621,625-626 Cattleman, 424 Caughnawaga Mission, 479 Cayuga, 477,532,620 Cayuse War, 546 CDBG- (Community Development Block Grant), 510 Cedar, 92,266,379,389,480,545, 552,580, 582,586,588-589,592, 594-595,597,604605 Cedar Creek Food Store, 203 Cedar Pass Lodge, 560 Cedar View Golf Course, 480 Cedarville Rancheria, 232,248 CEDCO (Coquille Economic Development Corporation), 541-542 Celilo Village, 540 Centex American Gypsum Company, 469 Central Arizona Project, 224 651