index 575,580,584,586,597, 604,606,608-609, 616 Manufacturing Corporation, 453,490-492 Manufacturing Industry 282,334,375,395396 Manufacturing non-durable goods, 23,37, 45, 51, 59, 69, 74, 80, 88-89, 93, 96, 98, 100-102,109-110,112-113, 125,127, 154156/ 158,161,166,179,185-186, 188,193 (see also non-durable goods) Manzanita Band of Mission Indians, 271 Manzanita Reservation, 271 Maple, 342,366,371-372,374, 380,386,474, 545,552,575,586,594, 613,623 Maple syrup, 384,394 Mar-Ta-Awa Park, 308 Marathon, 612 Maria, 437,456 Mariagamiut, 159 Mariak, 159 Maricopa, 196-198, 200, 205, 223 (see also Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community AZ) Maricopa County, 204,219 Maricopa Elementary School, 197 Maricopa Indians, 207,219-220 Maricopa Public High School, 197 Maricopa Wells, 195 Marina Corporation, 208 Marinas, 144, 152, 201, 217, 245, 249, 299, 366-367,373,379,382, 384,388,401,416, 424,439-440,462,475-476, 490,563,586, 588,595,600-602,604-606, 617, 623 (see also Harbors) Marine, 5,11,23,28,30,35,54, 65-67,71,79, 89, 96, 121-122, 131, 133, 140, 142-144, 146,156,159,166,181, 184,190,201,231233,303,586,588,592, 595,603-604 Marion, 517,548 Mariposa, 297 Market Plaza, 447 Markleeville, 431 Marland, 524,527 Marquette, 373,526 Marshall (Village), 8,107-108,138,150,492, 507 Marshall Health Clinic, 108 Marshall, Thomas Riley, 107 Martin, 561 Martin Marietta, 359,503 Martinez, Julian, 456 Marty Indian School, 564 Mary 19,112-113,121,138-140, 152,176,349, 365-366,390,399 Mary’s Igloo (Village), 8, 108 Maryland House of Delegates, 321 Maserculiq, 107 Mashantucket Pequot Reservation, 319 Mashantucket Pequot Tribe, 319 Mashpee District, 363 Mashpee Plantation, 363 Mashpee Wampanoag, 363-364 Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council, 363364 Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, 363-364 MASI Shop, 594 Mason County, 598-600,602 Mason County Public Utility District Number, 600 Massachusetts, 361-364,354,356-357, 624 Massachusetts Commonwealth, 363 Massacre, 197, 202, 226, 319, 529, 546 (see also wars and battles) Massasoit, 362 Mastic, 478 Matachine Dance, 452,457 Matanuska Branch, 38 Matanuska Electric Association, 38,93 Matanuska Telephone Association, 34, 38, 56,93,183 Mattagamon, 357 Mattole, 231,287 Maverick County, 566-567 Mayes, 502,535 Mayetta, 345-346 Mazatzal Casino, 225 MBF (Thousand board feet), 312 (see also forestry) MBF, 312,338 McAlester, 510 McCartys, 435 McClain, 507 McClellan-Kerr Navigation System, 505 McComb Plateau Emergency Medical Service Association, 53 McCurtain, 509 McDermitt, 420,430-431 McDonnell-Douglas Company, 203 MCF, 476 McGrath (Village), 9,104,108-109,123,172, 175 McGrath Health Center, 109 McGrath Light, 109 McGrath Upper Kuskokwim Athabascan, 108 McIlhenny Sara, 349 McIntosh, 502,512 McKenzie, 491,494 McKinley, 175,214,405,470-471 McKinleyville High School, 303 McLean, 491 McLoud, 520-521 McNary, 201 McQuim Strip, 548 MCT, 377,379,393 Mdewakanton Sioux Tribe, 388,390-391 Me-Wuk, 295,305 Meade River School, 27 Meadows Campground, 391 Medford, 281,351 Medfra, 175 Medical, 2, 23, 235, 285, 380, 391,428,439, 497,524,565,593 (see also Health Care, Indian Health Service, and Emergency Medical Services) Medical Center, 98, 114, 197,204,208,225226,279,309,355,438, 440,462 (see also Health Services, and Indian Health Service) Medical Services, 78,127,198,269,306,308, 464,466,552 Medicine, 204, 320, 389, 391-392, 551, 560561,590,602-603 Medicine Drum, 611 Medicine Lodge Treaty, 500,505,511-512 Medicine Man, 362 Medivac, 127 Meeting Facilities and Rooms, 225-226,346, 363, 375, 412, 462, 501 (see also conference facilities) Meherrin Indian Reservation, 487 Meherrin Indian Tribe, 486-487 Mekoryuk (Village), 8, 109-110 Mekoryuk Health Clinic, 110 Mekusukey Mission, 530-531 Melarkey 426 Melchior Diaz, 199 Mellette, 561 Melon, 234,349 Membership, (see Enrollment) Membership Committee, 535 Membership Services, 376 Memorial Airfield, 208 Memorial Da~ 213,604,613,619 Mendas Chaag Native Corporation, 71 Mendocino, 272,286,289,306 Mendocino Community College, 267 Mendocino County, 253,260-261,266-267, 270,278-280,282,286-288, 295-296,307 Mendocino County Indian Health Board Clinic, 267 Mendocino County Superior Court, 253 Mendocino Junior College, 307 Mendocino Porno, 298 Mendocino Rancheria, 253 Menominee Commercial Logging Enterprise, 618 Menominee County, 368,617 Menominee Indian School District, 619 Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin, 617 Menominee Logging Museum, 619 Menominee Nation, 617,620,624 Menominee Reservation, 617 Menominee Restoration Act, 617 Menominee Shareholders, 617 Menominee Tribal Enterprises Sawmill, 618 Menominee Tribal Supermarket, 618 Mental Health, 207,244,380,463,482, 604, 606 673