Tiller's Guide to Indian Country - First Edition

index Paiute-Shoshone, 236,239-242,267-268 Paiute-Shoshone Health Clinic, 239 Pajarito, 455,468 Pala, 230-231,285,291,300 Pala Avocado Project, 277 Pala Band of Mission Indians, 276 Pala Campground, 277 Pala Mission, 277 Pala Reservation, 270,276-277 Palace Casino, 383 Palaihnihan, 238,267-268,272,285, 308 Pallet Mill, 503,616 Palm, 234-235, 245-246, 274-275, 292, 298, 306,325 Palm Beach International Airport, 324 Palmer, Joel, 548 Palmer Oil Company of Billings, 444 Palmers Store, 93 Palomar Community College, 291 Pamunkey Indian Tribe, 576 Panhandle Lakes Resource Conservation, 334,337 Papago, 195-196,202,205,223-224 (see also Tohono O’odham Reservation) Papago Indian Good Government League, 224 Papago Indian Reservation, (see also Tohono O’odham Reservation) Papago Runner, 224 Papago Tribal Council, 224 Para-transit, 446 Paschel Sherman Indian School, 581 Pascua Pueblo News, 219 Pascua Village, 218 Pascua Yaqui Association, 218 Pascua Yaqui Indian Reservation, 218 Pascua Yaqui Reservation, 218 Pascua Yaqui Tribe, 196,218-219 Paskanwas, 522 Paskenpa Band of Nomelecki Indians, 277 Passamaquoddy, 356-359 (see also Pleasant Point and Indian Township Reservation) Passamaquoddy Forestry Service, 358 Passamaquoddy Technology Recovery Scrubber, 359 Passamaquoddy Tribe, 357-358 Passamaquoddy Trust Fund, 357 Passamaquoddy Water District, 359 Passenger Service, 144, 394,490,495,441, 451,611 Passenger Trains, 552 (see also railroads) Patent, Land, 7, 10,24,65, 70,234,244,252, 277,359,435,442,447, 598 Patented Lands, 24, 65, 157, 177, 189, 274, 439-440,446,450-451, 453,455-457,459460,462,467,494 Paucatuck Pequot, 317 Paug-Vik Incorporated, 113 Paugasuck, 317 Paugeesukq Nation, 317-318 Paugussett Confederation, 318 Paui, 246 Paul International Airport, 388 Paul Mission Orthodox, 167 Pauloff Harbor (Village), 7,135-136 Pauma, 285 Pauma and Yuima Reservation, 231,278 Pauma Band of Mission Indians, 277-278 Pavilions, 223 Pavlov Harbor, 135 Pawnee, 498,519,524,534 Pawnee Agenc~ 534 Pawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, 526-527 Payments, 6,24,314,349,355,358, 385,443, 449,479,492,528 Payson Regional Medical Center, 225 Pe-Zi-Hu-Ta Zi-Zi Ka-Pi Ma-Ko-Ce, 392 Peabody Coal Company, 210-211 Pears, 258,266,299,607 Pecan Nuts, 351 Pechanga Band of Luiserio Mission Indians, 278 Pechanga Reservation, 231,278 Pedro Bay (Village), 8,78,136 Pedro Bay Health Clinic, 136 Pedro Bay Native Corporation, 136 Pedro Bay Power Company, 136 Pegasus Gold Company, 403 Peltier Park, 511 Penal d’Oreilles Indians, 401-402 Penal Oreille County, 583 Penal Oreille County Public Utility District, 584 Pendleton Flour Mills, 547 Peninsula Borough School District, 39,41, 55,78-79,103,144 Peninsula Trucking, 598 Pennsylvania, 321,475,514-516 Penobscot, 354-358 Penobscot County 355 Penobscot Learning Center, 357 Penobscot Reservation, 355-357 Penutian, 231-233, 237, 252, 257-258, 280, 292, 296,299,304-305,544 Peon Songs, 246,270 Peoria Tribe of Oklahoma, 498,527-528 Pepsico, 215 Pequamock Indians, 317-318 Pequot, 317,319 Pequot War, 317 Pequots, 317,319-320 Percent Native, 11-21, 23-27, 29-90, 92-134, 136-192,581-582,591-592, 602 Peripheral Canal Project, 258 Perkins, 482,518-519,555 Perkins-Tryon Public School District, 519 Permits, 10, 12-14,21,26,31,36,41, 54,67, 74,84,89,94,96, 100-101, 110, 113, 115116,120-122,132,134, 136,138,140,147, 150,159,164,169,180, 182,188,201,216, 313,324,403,416,424, 426,428,439,443, 456,461,463-464,471, 476,562,583,602, 615,626-627 Perryville (Village), 8,79,137 Perryville Health Clinic, 137 Pershing County, 422 Peshawbestown, 367-368 PET, 338 Peter Marksman, 368 Peterson Fisheries, 623 Petitions, 356,470,414-415,577 Petroleum, 8,28,31,474,476,537 Peyote, 490,523,528,563,611 PGA, (See also Golf) 462 PGA Challenge Cup, 462 Pheasant Club, 419 Phillips County, 402 Phillips, Sam, 43, Phoenix Area Office, 214 Phoenix Cement Company, 220 Phoenix Indian Medical Center, 197, 204, 207,221,223,226 Phoenix Service Unit, 208 Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, 208 Pi Ume Sha Treaty Days Celebration, 549 Pick-ya-wish, 263 Pickering Treaty, 473-475 Picnic Grounds, 413 Picuris, 436 Picuris Enterprise, 452 Picuns Pueblo, 451-453 Pierce, 283,332,545,590,602 Pierce County, 595 Pierce County Public Utility District, 595 Pilgrims, 362-363 Pilot Point (Village), 8,137-138,184 Pilot Point Health Clinic, 138 Pilot Point Native Corporation, 137 Pilot Station (Village), 8,138-139 Pilot Station Health Clinic, 139 Pima, 197,200,205,207,218-220, 224 Pima County, 218,223 Pima Freeway, 221 Pima Indians, 195,204,219-220,223 Pinal County 195 Pine, 202, 222, 232, 239-242, 254, 266-268, 302,312,342,366,369, 372,379,385,387, 394-395,399,403,406, 408,416,437,443444,449,463,468-469, 474,503,510,547, 552-554,565,571,580, 601,608,615 Pine CountV 418,421,569,623 Pine Hill Shopping Center, 455 Pine Nut, 428-429 Pine Ridge, 555-556,560-561 680