Index Rocky Boy Manufacturing, 408 Rocky Boy’s Reservation, 407-408 Rocky Mountain High School, 68 Rodeo, 203,208,210-211, 127,220,222,224, 260, 284, 288, 324, 336, 344, 399, 419, 446,449,490,493,504, 514,549,556,561562,573,608,627 Rogers, 28,502,504,511,519,528 Rogers County 505 Rogue River Wars, 541 Rohnerville, 233 Rohnerville Rancheria, 231,287 Rolette County, 49 Roman Catholic, 105,131,188,468,494 Roman Nose State Park, 506 Roosevelt, 65,157,223,494,572-573, 580 Roosevelt County, 404 Root Feast, 549 Root Festival, 547 Rosebud Fair, 561 Rosebud Reservation, 561 Rosebud Sioux Tribe, 561 ROSS, 280,444,502 Round Valley, 229,253,273,280 Round Valley Airport, 288 Round Valley Health Center, 288 Round Valley Indian Health Center, 288 Round Valley Reservation, 231-233, 238, 258,273,287-288 Roundhouse Sweat Ceremonies, 292 Ruby (Village), 9,149,302 Ruby Health Clinic, 149 Ruby Lake National Wildlife Refuge, 417 Ruby Valley Treaty, 430 Rueben R. Lewis, 487 Ruidoso Municipal Airport, 450 Rumsey, 233,251 Rumsey Rancheria, 252,288-289 Rural Alaska Television Network, 11-13,1519,22-27,29,31-35,37-42, 44-49,51-55, 57-69,71-85,87-92,94-101, 103,105-109, 111, 113-114, 116-124, 126-153, 155, 157160,162-163,165,168-171, 174,176-179, 181-183,186-193 Rural Economic Development Grant, 242 Rural Electrical Cooperative, 627 Rural Electrification Administration, 382, 602 Rural Fire District, 236 Rural Tribal Habitats, 266 Russia, 3, 10,51,97 Russian, 5,8,25,39,48,50,56,62, 75,82,85, 95, 99, 102-105,114, 120,135,153,169,185,192, 227, 232, 282, 545 Russian America, 3, 166 Russian American Company, 3, 135, 150, 153-154,169,185-186, 192 Russian Captain Lieutenant Vasileev, 113 Russian Company 124 Russian Glazanov, 23 Russian Ivan Petrof, 184 Russian Lebedov Lastochkin Company 151 Russian Mission (Village), 8, 21, 43, 150, 188 Russian Mission Health Clinic, 150 Russian Mission Native Corporation, 150 Russian Navy 66,113,160,191 Russian Orthodox Church, 20,43,48, 100, 113,125,154,156,186 Russian-Aleut, 150 Russian-American, 109, 133 Russian-American Company, 109 RV facilities and sites, 46, 73, 206-207, 222, 264,298-298,308,313, 339,363,366,368, 385,387,391,485,492, 441,449,462-463, 467,469,418,423,425, 499,565,584,617, 627 RV Lodge, 394 RV Parks, 38,64,175,208,213,238, 243,245, 249,269,273-274,283, 285,297,309310, 315,324,334,339,376, 385,387,392,423, 425,435,454,469,477, 490,530,542,547, 549,559,583,588,596, 600-602,608,620, 623,626 SAAE (Santa Ana Agricultural Enterprises), 460-461 Sac and Fox, 35, 50, 81, 123, 157-158, 176, 319,341-342,331,343-344, 498,520,620 Sac and Fox Community Library, 530 Sac and Fox Court, 530 Sac and Fox Gallery, 530 Sac and Fox Industrial Development Commission, 531 Sac and Fox Museum, 347 Sac and Fox Nation of Missouri, 346 Sac and Fox of Missouri Indian Tribe, 344 Sac and Fox Pow Wow, 531 Sac and Fox Reservation (Iowa), 341 Sac and Fox Reservation (Kansas), 346 Sac and Fox Reservation (Oklahoma), 530531 Sac and Fox Tradin, 347 Sac and Fox Tribal Office, 341 Sac and Fox Tribal RV Park, 531 Sac and Fox Tribal Mini-Mart, 531 Sac and Fox Tribes, 341,344,520,530 Sacajawea, 331 Sacaton Service Unit, 208 Sacaton Supply 208 Sacaton Tribal Headquarters, 207 Sachem Uncas, 320 Sachems, 551 Sacramento Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, 297 Sacred Heart Center, 556 Sacred Pipe, 490,563 Sacred Pipe Religion, 385,493 Sacred Salmon, 540-541,577 Sacred Salmon Ceremonies, 540 Saddle Shop, 455 Safeco Title Agency 8 Saginaw Chippewa Telecommunications, 371 Saginaw Chippewa Tribe, 370 (see also Isabella Reservation) Saginaw-Chippewa Campground, 371 Saguyak Incorporated, 45 Sah-ku-me-hu, 598 Sahaptian, 607 Sahaptin-speaking Warm Springs Tribe, 548 Saint George (Village),152 Saint George Aquiculture Association, 151152 Saint George Municipal Power Company, 151 Saint Mary’s (Village), 152 Saint Michael (Village), 153 Saint Michael Health Clinic, 153 Saint Paul (Village), 154 Salamatof (Village), 155 Salamatof Native Association, 155 Sales, 7-8,48,104,201,207,216, 220-221,299, 310,312,314,324-325, 335,356,359,366, 369,376,379,384,403, 418,420,429,438, 443,445,449,455,458, 469,474,476,484, 492,497,499,503,543, 552,556,559,589, 594,601,603-604,616, 622,625 Salish, 337,401-402,577,582-584, 589,593, 602-603 Salish and Kootenai Community College, 602 Salish Business Park, 593 Salish Campground, 584 Salishan, 333,597,599-600 Sallisaw Creeks, 503 Salmon, 12-14,21-23,26-27,31, 36,39-43,45, 47-48,50,55,62,67,77-80, 82-85,88,9091,94,97,101-103,106, 113-114,116-117, 119-120, 122, 127-128, 132-133, 135-138, 140,143-144,146,148, 150-152/ 154,156, 167-169,171,178,182, 184,188,227,230233,251,259,263,283, 289,310,331,333, 335-337,358,540-541, 545-549,577,579580,582,585-586,588-589, 592-593,595598,600-602,604-605, 608 Salmon Bake, 542,594 Salmon CeremonV 541,606 Salmon-processing, 55,132 Salt River District, 221 Salt River Pima-Maricopa, 204,219-221 Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, 219-220 Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation, 204,220 Salt River Project, 204,208,221,223 Salt River Sand, 220 Salt River Transit, 220 Sam Houston Electric Cooperative, 565 Samaria Baptist Church, 576 Sampson Count~ 485 685