Index Skykomish, 605 Slater Act of March, 547 Slaves, 571,592 Sleepy Ute RV Park, 315 Sleetmute (Village), 8,167-168 Sleetmute Health Clinic, 168 Small Business Association, 35o Small Tribes Organization of Western Washington, 591 Smith, 42, 140,229,232-233,254, 304,504505,535,572 Smith, Jedediah Strong, 572 Smith, Walter, 140 Smoke Shops, 199,206,225, 289, 292,346347,373,392,413,417-422, 424,430,432, 451,460,462-63,482,500-501, 506,508, 511-512,518-520,532-534, 558-559,585, 591,567,605-606,609, 613,620,625 Smoke Signals Computer Company, 508 Snack bars, 213,440,467,419-420, 512,613 Snake, 331,335,338-339,403, 544 Snake Dance, 211 Snohomish County 598,605-606 Snohomish County Public Utility Department, 606 Snoqualmie, 605 Snowmachines, 12,18,22,24,26,33,36-37, 44,47-49,52,54,59-60, 63-66,68,72,75, 77,81,84,87,89-90,94-96, 98, 101, 103105,108,110,121-123, 126,129,132,134, 138-142, 147-148, 159-160, 162-165, 165, 168,170-171, 175, 178, 180-182,185, 188191 Snowmobiles, 179,181 Snowmobiling, 203,225,337,373,376, 394, 617,627 Soboba, 230 Soboba Band of Mission Indians, 297 Soboba Grand Prix, 298 Soboba Reservation, 232,297-298 Society of Friends, 80 Sockalexis Arena, 356 Socorro County, 438 Socorro Hospital, 438 Soctish-Chenone, 259 Soil, 22,284,287,395,469,509, 523,595,597 Sokaogon Chippewa, 619 Sokaogon Chippewa Community, 619 Soldotna Exchange, 86,94,100,103 Soldotna Hospital, 86 Soldotna,156 Solid Waste, 22,246-247,254,260-261, 303, 396,418,428,441,464, 469,471,560,587, 600,604,618 (see also Septic Tanks and Sewer Systems) Solomon (Village), 168 Solomon Native Corporation, 8, 168 Sonoma, 231,282,286,289,295, 298 Sonoma County, 254,299 Soo Line Railroad Company 490 Soup, 215,227,244 (see also Campbell Soup) South Carolina, 512,516,553-554 South Central Foundation, 183 South Dakota, 370, 406, 409-411, 492-495, 555-558,560-563,612 South Eight Tribes Trail, 521 South Fork, 123,163,259,267,305, 426,480, 533 South Fork Band, 425,427 South Fork Reservation, 425 South Metro Credit Union, 391 South Naknek (Village), 8,168-169 South Naknek Health Clinic, 169 South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency, 602 South Warner Wilderness, 267 Southcentral Foundation, 93 Southeast Alaska Regional Health Corporation, 21,23,48,71,73,76,80, 84, 91-92,159,167,193 Southeast Island Regional Educational Attendance Area, 84 Southern Band Clinic, 430 Southern Bell, 326 Southern California Edison, 237,242, 246, 249-250,275,298 southern California Gas Company, 245,292 Southern Cheyenne, 406,505 Southern Coastal Hokan, 235 Southern Indian Health Council, 271 Southern Numic, 230 Southern Oregon Rural Health System, 545 Southern Pacific Railroad, 195,222,224,245, 251,275,351,419,450 Southern Paiute, 222-223,232,248,423, 570571 southern Paiute Nation, 213,422 Southern Paiute Tribe, 222,423 southern Poncas, 41o Southern Sandoval Investments, 462 Southern Tiwa, 459 Southern Ute Cultural Center, 313 Southern Ute Energy Resources, 312 Southern Ute Reservation, 311,313 Southern Ute Tribe, 311-313 Southwest Corset Company, 523 Southwest Forest Fire Fighters, 222 Southwest Gas Company, 208,199,219,221, 223 Southwest Holiday Festival, 203 Southwest Inter-Tribal Court of Appeals, 437 Southwest Materials, 461 Southwest Region Regional Education Attendance Area, 16, 45, 57-58, 94-95, 107,120,178,183 Southwest Region Schools, 183 Southwestern Bell, 500,502,514,525 Southwestern Oklahoma State University, 507 Soviet Union, 51 Soybean, 392,509,621 Spa Hotel, 234 Spain, 331,450,455,461-462, 465,467,531 Spaniards, 195,200,220,214,435, 441,446, 460,470 Spanish, 3, 195, 197,200,202,205,210, 220, 227,229,234-235,247-248, 252,262,265, 270,276,288-290,294, 300,307,312,327, 351,395,422,435,440-444, 446,448,451, 453,455-460,462-465, 467-468,470,499501,512,533-534,536, 545,565,567,571, 592,597 Spanish Crown, 439 Spanish Empire, 206,450,514 Speaking Rock Gaming Facility, 567 Spector Freight System, 396 Spirit Dancing, 603 Spirit Mountain Development Corporation, 543 Spiritual Training Council, 364 Spiro Burial Mounds, 510 Spokane County 583 Spokane Indian Association, 600 Spokane Indian Bingo, 601 Spokane Indian Days, 602 Spokane Indian Reservation Timber Products Enterprise, 601 Spokane Indian Tribe, 600 Spokane International Airport, 337 Spokane Reservation, 600-602 Spokane Wood Products, 601 Sports, 203,208,225,249,269, 299,309,358, 422,424,440-441,445, 476,504,556-557, 559,590,606,608-609, 617,623 Spreckels, John, 262 Spreckels Sugar, 262 Springs Country 308 Springs Restaurant, 337 Spurto Industrial Park, 528-529 Squatters, 113,395 Squaw Harbor, 187 Squaxin Island Reservation, 602-603 St. Anthony, 457,459-460,464,547, 567 St. Benedicts Mission, 394 St. Catherine, 457-458 St. Croix Casino, 623 St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, 623-624 St. Croix Chippewa Reservation, 623 St. Francis Mission Church, 615 St. George, 213,570 St. George Island,154 St. George Tanaq Corporation, 151 St. Ignatius, 401 St. James Mission, 173 St. Joseph Feast Day, 447 St. Lawrence, 3,65,157,344,478-479, 622 St. Louis County, 377 689