Tiller's Guide to Indian Country - First Edition

Index White Earth Garment Manufacturing Company, 394 White Earth Land Recovery Project, 393 White Earth Ojibwa, 393 White Earth Pow Wow, 394 White Earth Reservation, 377,383,393-394 White Earth Reservation Business Committee, 393 White Earth State Forest, 394 White Earth Tribal Council, 394 White Mountain (Village),191 White Mountain Apache Motel, 203 White Mountain Apache Tribal Councilr 202 White Mountain Apache Tribe, (see also Fort Apache Reservation), 201-203 White Mountain Health Clinic, 192 White Mountain Lodge, 192 White Mountain Native American Arts, 203 White Mountain Native Corporation, 191 White Mountain Utilities, 192 White Pine, 342,394,449,469,416, 418,421, 552,569 White Pine Community Landfill, 418 White Pine Count~ 418,421,569 White Pines Plaza, 479 White Rock Shell Service Station, 457 White Shield Pow Wow, 492 White Turkey Band, 497 Whiteriver Regional System, 204 Whitewater Boat Race, 260 Whitman Massacre, 546 Wholesale, 10, 14,23,28, 31, 37, 47,49-51, 55-56,59,63,68,72-73, 80,82,85,88,9193,98, 109, 112, 120, 125-126, 131, 133, 135,141,147,149,153-156, 161,164,166, 175,181,187,190,193, 217,247,279-280, 455,457, 460-461/ 503,510,519,521,524, 564,580 Wholesale trade, 14,23,28,31,37,47,49-50, 55-56,59,63,68,72-73, 80,82,85,88,9193,98, 109, 112, 120, 125-126, 131, 133, 135,141,147,149,153-156, 161,164,166, 175,181,187, 190,193,247,280 Wholesaler, 476 Wichita, 498,500-501,511-512, 514-515,525, 537 Wichita Agency, 501,514,537 Wichita Confederation, 536 Wichita Industrial Development Commission, 536 Wichita Tribe of Oklahoma, 536-537 Wichita Tribes, 501,515,536-537 Wiciyela Sioux, 557 Wild Horse Cafe, 547 Wild Horse Gaming Resort, 547 Wild Rice, 379-381, 383-384, 386-387, 389, 393-394,556,609,612, 617,619-620 Wild Rice Electric Cooperative, 394 Wild Rice Fest, 609 Wildhorse Reservoir, 416 Wildlife Commission, 609,616,622 Wildlife Refuge, 24, 35, 39, 43, 80, 88, 109, 160,203,206,237,269, 309,324,326,363, 354,368,394,417,419, 427,437,439,452, 471,495,551,573,580, 583,588,599,607, 609,616,622 Wildlife Service, 24 Wiley Post Monument, 28 Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial Airport, 28 Will Rogers, 28,504,511,519,528 Will Rogers International Airport, 519 Will Rogers World Airport, 511 William Bee Ririe Clinic, 418 William Wildcat Community Center, 617 Williams Air Force Base, 208 Williams, Roger, 551 Wilma P. Mankiller Health Center, 504 Wind Power, 588 Wind River Reservation, 335,625-627 Wind River Tax Commission, 627 Wind River They, 625 Window Rock Airport, 217 Wini Kettle Senior Citizen Facility, 477 Winne Vegas Casino, 412 Winnebago, 343,411-412,612-613, 624 Winnebago Health Care Center, 613 Winnebago Heights Village, 613 Winnebago Reservation, 411 Winnebago Tribe of Wisconsin, 612 Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, 411 Winnemucca, 413,420,426-427 Winnemucca Colony, 430 Winnemucca Light, 431 Winter Spirit Dancing, 603 Winter Truck Lines, 394 Winterfest, 623 Wintershall Corporation, 314 Wintu, 233,252,288 Wintun, 233,251-252,257-258, 281,287-289 Wintun Indians, 251-252,288 Wintun Tribe, 251 Wisconsin, 344,346,368-369,372, 377,383, 386,393,411,511,520-521, 529,537,558, 609,611-617,619-625 Wisconsin Chippewa, 616,622 Wisconsin Dells, 612-613 Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 611 Wisconsin Electric, 369 Wisconsin Oneida Tribe, 621 Wisconsin Potawatomi, 368, 611 Wisconsin Power, 625 Wisconsin Public Service Company, 612,617 Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, 622 Wisconsin Tri County Ojibwa Centerr 623 Wisconsin Wimebago Tribe, 612 Wobonuch Rancheria, 241 WOJB, 617 Wolf Point International Airport, 405 Wometco Coca Cola, 216 Wood, 9,12-13,15-20,22-24, 29,32-35,37-38, 40,42,44,46-50,53-54, 56-61,63-65,67, 69,71-72,75-76,81,83, 87,91-95,99-101, 104-106, 108,111, 113-114, 117-119, 123130,132,135-136,139-140, 143,145-150, 152-153,156,158,160-164, 166-168,170178,180,182-183,186-189, 191-193,199200,203,216,223,250-251, 253,266,269, 272-273,277,282,285, 309,383-384,402, 419,448,454,463,471, 474,485,503,549, 552,571,580,601-602, 609,612,619 Wood CountK 612 Wood products, 22, 31, 47, 64, 70, 91, 106, 150,173,203,216,238, 269,273,277,285, 309,383,402,448,454, 471,601,599,609 Woodfords, 233,414-415,428-429, 431 Woodfords Colony 431 Woodfords Community Council, 431 Woodfords Indian Colony, 233 Woodland, 253,289,312,388,390, 408,490, 437,444-445,450,454, 463,557 Woodland Project, 454 Woodlands, 222,366,408,441,456-458, 468, 505,514,525,560 Woods, 342,363,366,389,403, 411,614 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, 363 Wool, 214,216,586 Worcester County 363 Worcester, Reverend Samuel, 502 World Heritage Site, 466 World Renewal Ritual, 263 World War I, 240,374 World War II, 13,22-23,25,27,100,108, 124, 126,129,144,151,154, 166,172,186-187, 192,200,208,220,241, 259,272,325,370, 374,406,447,456,458, 484,603 Wounded Knee Battlefield, 561 WPCO/Great Divide Manufacting Company, 405 Write Your Own Bingo, 588 Wukchumni Tribe, 304 Wyandotte, 515,537-538 Wyandotte Reservation, 537-538 Wyandotte Tribal Government, 538 Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma, 537 Wyoming, 311, 313, 335, 400,405,407, 445, 505,557-558,560,562, 625,627 Wyoming Indian High School, 625,627 X-L Ranch Reservation, 308-309 Ya-Ka-Ama Indian, 299 Yahooskin Band of Snake Indian Tribes, 544 Yahooskin Band of Snake Indians, 544 Yahooskin Band of Snake Indians Development, 544 Yak-Tat Kwaan, 192 Yakama, 338,420,607-608 Yakama Furniture Plant, 608 Yakama Hospital, 607 Yakama Indian Agency 420 697