Tiller's Guide to Indian Country - Second Edition

INDEX 1104 Haida, 90-91, 122-123, 135-136 health care, 5 Healy Lake, 117 history, 3, 3-4 Holikachuk, 115 Holy Cross, 117-118 Hoonah, 118-119 Hooper Bay, 119-120 Hughes, 120-121 Huslia, 121-122 Hydaburg, 122-123 Igiugig, 123-124 Iliamna, 124-125, 200-201 infrastructure, 4-5 Inupiat. See Inupiat (main level) Iqurmiut, 125-126 Ivanof Bay, 127 Kake, 128-130 Kaktovik, City of, 131 Kaltag, 133-134 Karluk, Native Village of, 134-135 Kasaan, City of, 135-136 Kasigluk, Native Village of, 136-137 Kauwerak Eskimos, 67-68 Ketchikan, 137-139 Kiana, City of, 139-140 King Cove, 42-43 King Salmon Tribe, 140-142 Kipnuk, Native Village of, 142-143 Kivalina, City of, 143-144 Klawock, City of, 144-145 Kluti-Kaah, 145-146 Knik, 146-147 Kobuk, 120-121, 147-148 Kobuk Inupiat, 49 Kokhanok Village, 148-149 Kokyukon Athabascan, 104 Kongiganak, Native Village of, 149-150 Koniag Aleut, 79 KoniagmiutAlutiiq, 229-230 Kotlik, City of, 150-152 Kotzebue, City of, 152-153 Kowagmiut Inupiat, 53-54, 139-140, 143-144, 201-202 Koyuk, 154-155 Koyukon Athabascan. See Koyukon Athabascan (main level) Koyukuk, City of, 155-156 Kutchin Athabascan, 65-66, 70, 88-89, 97, 107108 Kwethluk, City of, 156-157 Kwigillingok, Native Village of, 158-159 Kwinhagak, City of, 159-161 Larsen Bay, City of, 161-162 Levelock Village, 162-163 Lime Village, 164 Lower Kalskag, 165-166 Malemiut Inupiat, 154-155 Manley Hot Springs Village, 166-167 Manokotak, City of, 167-168 Marshall, City of, 169-170 McGrath, City of, 170-171 Mekoryuk, City of, 172-173 Mentasta, 173-174 Metlakatla Indian Community, 174-175 Minto, Native Village of, 175-176 Naknek Native Village, 177-178 Nanwalek, Native Village of, 179-180 Napakiak, City of, 180-181 Napaskiak, City of, 181-182 Nelson Lagoon, Native Village of, 183-184 Nenana, City of, 184-187 NewAllakaket Village, 186 Newhalen, City of, 189-190 New Koliganek, 187 New Stuyahok, City of, 188-189 Newtok Village, 190-191 Nightmute, City of, 191-192 Nikolai, City of, 193 Nikolski, Native Village of, 194-195 Ninilchik Village, 195-197 Noatak, 197-198 Nome, City of, 198-200 Nondalton, City of, 200-201 Noorvik, City of, 201-202 Northway Village, 203-204 Nuiqsut, City of, 204-205 Nulato, City of, 206-207 Nunakauyarmiut (City of Toksook Bay), 207208 Nunam Iqua, 208-209 Nunamiut, 54-55, 104, 120-121 Nunapitchuk, City of, 209-210 Nuniwarmiut Cup'ig, 172-173 Old Harbor, City of, 210-212 Orutsararmuit (City of Bethel), 212-213 Oscarville Traditional Village, 213-214 Ouzinkie, City of, 214-216 Pedro Bay Village, 216-217 Perryville, Native Village of, 217-218 Petersburg, City of, 219 Pilot Point, City of, 219-220 Pilot Station, City of, 221-222 Pitka's Point, Native Village of, 222-223 Platinum, City of, 223-224 Point Hope, City of, 224-225 Point Lay, 226-227 population, 3 Portage Creek, 233 Port Graham, 227-229 Port Heiden, 229-230 Port Lions, 231-232 Pribilof Islands, 234-236 public safety, 5 public services, 4-5 Qagan Tayagungin, 237-238 Qawalangin, 238-239 Rampart, 239-240 Red Devil, 240-241 Ruby, 242-243 Saint Michael, 243-244 Salamatof, 244-245 Savoonga, 245-246 Saxman, 247-248 Scammon Bay, 248-249 Selawik, 120-121, 249-250 Seldovia Village, 250 Shageluk, 251 Shaktoolik, 252 Shishmaref, 253-254 Shungnak, 255-256 Siberian Eskimo, 112-113 Siberian Yup'ik, 8 Skagway, 256 Sleetmute, 257-258 Solomon, 258 SoutheastAlaskan Indians, 8 South Naknek, 258-259 Stebbins, 259-260 Stevens Village, 260-261 Stony River, 261-262 Takotna, 262-263 Tanacross, 96, 117, 263-264 Tanana, 175-176, 184-187, 264-265 Tatitlek, 265-266 Tazlina, 266-267 Telida, 267 Teller, 268 Tetlin, 269 Tikeraqmuit Inupiat, 224-225 Tlingit. See Tlingit (main level) Togiak, 270-271 transportation, 4-5 Tsimshian, 174-175 Tuluksak, 271 Tuntutuliak, 272 Tununak, 273 Twin Hills, 274 Tyonek, 275 Ugashik, 276 Umkumiute, 277 Unalakleet, 277-278 Unalit Yup'ik, 154-155 Unangan. See Unangan (main level) United States' purchase of, 4 Upper Kalskag, 132-133 Upper KuskokwimAthabascan, 170-171, 193 Upper Tanana Athabascan, 203-204 Venetie, 278-280 Wainwright, 280-281 Wales, 281-282 waste systems, 5 water supply, 5 White Mountain, 282-283 Wrangell, 283 Yakutat, 284-285 Yup'ik. See Yup'ik (main level) Alaska Coastal Aggregate, 34 Alaska Growth Capital, 15 Alaska Interstate Construction LLC, 26 AlaskaNativeClaimsSettlementAct(ANCSA, 1971), 3 13th, 34 Ahtna, Inc. 9 Aleut Corp., 11 ASRC, 13 BSNC 17 BBNC, 19 CAC, 23 Calista, 21 CIRI, 25, 26 Doyon, 28-29 federal relations, 5-6 history, 8 Koniag, 29 NANA, 31 preferences, 6 problems discussed, 9 Sealaska, 33 urban tribes, 36, 38 village corporations, 9 zero population villages, 37-38 Alaska Peninsula Corp., 19 Kokhanok, 148 Newhalen, 189 Port Heiden, 229 South Naknek, 258 Ugashik, 276 Alaska Tourism Corp., 26 Alaska Trust Co., 12 Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative Inc., 39 Alatna Village, 49 Aleknagik, City of, 19, 49-50 Aleut, 7. See also Unangan Akutan, City of, 47 Chignik (Bay), 78 Newhalen, 189-190