INDEX 1115 Yerington, 713-714 Pala, 447-448 Paluwik, 24, 227-229 Papago. See Tohono O'odham Nation Pascua Yaqui Tribe, 342-344 Paskenta Band, 448 Passamaquoddy Tribe, 565, 571-572 Passamaquoddy Tribe of Pleasant Point, 575-576 Paug-Vik Inc., 19, 177 Pauloff Harbor, 12, 38. See also Zero population villages Pauma, 449-450 Pawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, 861-863 Peabody (Western) Coal Company Hopi people, 317, 318, 319 Navajo Nation, 328, 330 Pechanga, 450-451 Pedro Bay Village, 19, 216-217 Pee Posh. See Maricopa Indian Community Penobscot Indian Nation, 572-574 Penutian, 468-469 Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, 863-864 Pequot, 517-519 Perryville, Native Village of, 19, 217-218 Petersburg Indian Association IRA, 219 PetroCard Systems Inc., 19 Pharmacy On-Line Billing Initiative (Fond du Lac Chippewa), 610-611 Picayune, 452-453 Picurís Pueblo, 741-742 Pilot Point, City of, 19, 219-220 Pilot Point, Native Village of, 219-220 Pilot Station, City of, 22, 221-222 Pilot Station, Native Village of, 22, 221-222 Pima Indian Community, 287-288, 306-313, 344-347, 352 Pine Creek, 588-589 Pine Ridge Oglala Sioux, 931-933 Pinoleville, 453-454 Pitka's Point, Native Village of, 22, 222-223 Pit River Tribe, 362 Alturas, 365 Big Bend Rancheria, 371 Likely, 434 Lookout, 435-436 Montgomery Creek, 442 Redding Rancheria, 458-459 reservation, 454-455 Roaring Creek Rancheria, 463 Susanville Rancheria, 485-487 X-L Ranch, 506 Platinum, City of, 22, 223-224 Platinum Traditional Village, 223 Pleasant Point (Passamaquoddy Tribe), 575-576 Plum Creek Reservoir, 554 Poarch Creek Band of Creek Indians, 1-2 Poeh Cultural Center (Pueblo of Pojoaque), 745-746 Point Hope, City of, 14, 224-225 Point Hope, Native Village of, 14, 224-225 Point Lay, 14, 226-227 Point Possession Inc., 26 Pojoaque Pueblo, 743-746 Pokagon Township (Potawatomi Indian Nation), 600601 Pomo peoples, 362 Big Valley Rancheria, 376-377 Cloverdale Rancheria, 395 Coyote Valley, 400-403 Dry Creek Rancheria, 403-404 Elem Indian Colony, 404-406 Graton Rancheria, 415 Guidiville, 418 Habematolel Pomo of Upper Lake, 500-501 Hopland Band, 422-423 Lower Lake, 437-438 Manchester Point, 438 Middletown, 441-442 Pinoleville, 453-454 Potter Valley Rancheria, 455-456 Redwood Valley, 459-460 Robinson Rancheria Tribe, 463-465 Round Valley Tribes, 466-468 Scotts Valley Band, 478 Sherwood Valley Rancheria, 479-481 Ponca Tribe of Nebraska, 675-676, 865-866 Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma, 865-866 Population. See individual tribes Portage Creek, 19, 233 PortAlsworth, 19 Port Gamble S'Klallam Indian Community, 985-987 Port Graham, 24, 227-229 Port Heiden, 19, 229-230 Port Lions, 30, 231-232 Port Madison, 987-989 Potawatomi Indian Nation, 600-601 Potawatomi Indians Citizen, 828-831 Forest County, 1033-1035 Hannahville, 586-587 Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band, 599-600 Pine Creek, 588-589 Pokagon Township, 600-601 Prairie Band, 554-557 Potter Valley Rancheria, 455-456 Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation, 554-557 Prairie Island Indian Community, 625-627 Pribilof Islands, 234-236 Prince William Sound, 24 Prisons Corrections Project Department of Behavorial Health Services (Navajo Nation), 341-342 Pte Hc Ka, Inc. (Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe), 919 Publications. See also Newspapers/news publications arts and crafts law, 989 printing, 385 visitor's guide, 980 Pueblos. See Acoma Pueblo; Cochiti Pueblo, etc. Puget Plastics Corporation, 15 Puyallup Tribe of Indians Settlement Act (1989), 990 Puyallup Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation, 989-992 Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, 700-702 Qagan Tayagungin, 237-238 Qanirtuuq Inc., 22, 159-161 Qawalangin, 238-239 Qawiaraq, 8 Qemirtalek Coast Corporation, 22, 149 Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma, 866-867 Quartz Valley Indian Community, 456-457 Quassarte,Alabama, 804-805 Quechans, 305-306 Queets, 996-999 Quil Ceda Village, 1020-1021, 1023-1024 Quileute Nation, 993-996, 996-999 Quinault Pride Seafood Products (WA), 998 Quinault Tribe, 996-999, 1002-1003 Quinhagak, 159-161 Radio stations Arizona, 295, 330, 353 California, 420 Colorado, 511 Florida, 525, 526, 527, 529 Maine, 565 Michigan, 594, 603 Minnesota, 621 New Mexico, 780 North Dakota, 795, 800 Oklahoma, 811, 820, 830, 836, 870 Oregon, 906, 909 South Dakota, 932 Washington state, 1028 Wisconsin, 1039 Wyoming, 1066 Ramah Navajo Chapter, 746-748 Ramona Band of Cahuilla Indians, 457 Rampart, 28, 239-240 Real estate commercial centers, 633, 636 commercial development (AK), 12, 18, 23, 27, 28, 32, 87, 92, 113 commercial development (AZ), 295, 308 commercial development (CA), 373, 392, 394, 423, 469, 471, 486, 503 commercial development (CO), 511 commercial development (ME), 570 commercial development (NE), 678, 679 commercial development (NV), 696, 703 commercial development (OK), 836, 845 commercial development (OR), 895, 909 commercial development (WA), 1007 commercial development (WI), 1034 commercial investments, 730, 1060 commercial leasing, 603, 703, 754, 757, 761, 765, 832, 929, 941, 1021, 1027 Alaska, 12, 18, 222 commercial properties Alaska, 27, 32, 33, 90 home loans, 822-824 housing (AK), 169 housing (AZ), 291, 299, 308 housing (CA), 464, 500 housing (ID), 535 housing improvement, 821 housing (KS), 556 housing (LA), 560 housing (MI), 598, 603 housing (MN), 633 housing (OK), 826, 839 leasing (AZ), 353 leasing (MN), 612 master plans, 968 municipal leasing, 777 rights protection, 912 Recognized supratribal organizations, 36 Recreation activities, Alaska, 26, 43, 93, 107, 109, 113, 119, 136, 139, 144, 153, 167, 172, 176, 178, 187, 194, 196, 200, 211, 215, 216 big-game hunting, 41 float-trips, 198 Iditarod, 115 lodges, 101, 144, 163, 176, 180, 194, 208 sport fishing, 141, 200, 203 tours, 118, 136, 144, 160, 172 wildlife, 169, 183, 189, 193, 203-204, 206, 211 Recreation activities,Arizona aquatic park (AZ), 295 Arizona, 300, 304, 346, 348-349, 356 Navajo Nation, 331 White MountainApache Wildlife and Outdoor Recreation Program, 301-302 big-game hunts, 299 fishing, 306 golf courses, 308, 346 Navajo Nation, 331 tours, 291, 295, 323