Tiller's Guide to Indian Country - Second Edition

INDEX 1120 Cowlitz Indian Tribe, 964-965 Hoh Indian Tribe, 965-966 Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe, 966-968 Kalispel, 969-971 Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, 971-973 Lummi Indian Nation, 973-977 Makah Tribe, 978-981 Muckleshoot Indian Tribe, 981-983 Nisqually Indian Tribe, 983-984 Nooksack Indian Tribe, 984 Port Gamble S'Klallam Indian Community, 985987 Port Madison, 987-989 Puyallup Tribe, 989-992 Quileute Nation, 993-996 Quinault Tribe, 996-999 Samish Indian Nation, 1000 Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe, 1001-1002 Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe, 1002-1003 Skokomish peoples, 1003-1005 Snoqualmie Tribe, 1005-1007 Spokane Tribe of Indians, 1008-1010 Squaxin Island Tribe, 1011-1013 Stillaguamish Tribe, 1013-1014 Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, 10151019 Tulalip Tribes, 1020-1024 Upper Skagit Indian Tribe, 1024-1025 Yakama Confederate Tribes and Bands, 10261030 Washoe peoples, 362, 709-710 Dresslerville, 685-686 Reno-Sparks, 702-703 Stewart, 705 Susanville Rancheria, 485-487 Woodfords, 713 Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California, 709-710 Water issues Safe, Clean Waters, Lummi Tribal Sewer and Water District (WA), 976-977 Water Quality Standards (Pueblo of Sandia), 756, 773-774 Wellness centers, 537-538 Wells Band Colony, 711-712 Weott. SeeWiyot Western Delaware, 877-878 Western Mono. See Mono Western Shoshone. See Shoshone Whaling, 979 Whilkut peoples, 362 White Earth Band of Chippewa, 635-640 White Earth Suicide Intervention Team, 639-640 White Mountain Apache Tribe, 18, 282, 282-283, 298-302 White MountainApache Wildlife and Outdoor Recreation Program, 301-302 Wichita, 878-879 Wildlife protection Pte Hc Ka, Inc. (Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe), 919 Wildlife and Fisheries Management Program (New Mexico), 729, 733 Zuni Eagle Sanctuary, 771-773 Wind River Eastern Shoshone Tribe, 1065-1067 Winnebago Health Care Center, 1037 Winnebago Housing and Development Commission, 679 Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, 677-682, 1035-1037 Winnemucca Indian Colony, 712 Wintun peoples, 362 Cortina Rancheria, 398-399 Greenville Rancheria, 416-417 Grindstone Rancheria, 417-418 Middletown, 441-442 Redding Rancheria, 458-459 Round Valley Tribes, 466-468 Rumsey Rancheria, 468-469 Wisconsin Bad River Chippewa Band, 1031-1033 Forest County Potawatomi Indians, 1033-1035 Ho-Chunk Nation, 1035-1037 Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Tribe, 1038-1042 Lac du Flambeau Chippewa Band, 1042-1045 Menominee Tribe, 1046-1051 Mole Lake Chippewa Band, 1051-1053 Oneida Nation, 1053-1057 Red Cliff Chippewa Band, 1057-1059 St. Croix Chippewa, 1059-1062 Stockbridge-Munsee Mochican Band, 10621064 Wiyot peoples, 362 Blue Lake Rancheria, 380-382 Rohnerville, 465-466 Table Bluff, 489-490 Trinidad Rancheria, 493-495 Wolf (Idaho Gray) Recovery Program, 546-547 Woodfords Community, 713 Woody Island(Lesnoi), 30. See also Zero population villages Worcester v. Georgia (1832), 809 Wrangell, 283 Wrangell Cooperative Assoc., 283 Wyandotte, 880-882 Wyoming, 1065-1067 Xalychidom Piipaash (Maricopa) Tribe, 345 X-L Ranch (Pit River Tribe), 506 XMCO Inc., 30 Y, 26 Yahooskin, 898-900 Yakama, Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, 1026-1030 Yakama Nation Land Enterprise (WA), 1029-1030 Yak-Tat Kwaan Inc., 34, 284 Yakutat, 34, 284-285 Yana peoples, 362, 458-459 Ya Ne Dah Ah School, 76-77 Yanktonai, 937-940, 940-942 Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, 940-942 Yavapai-Apache Nation, 288-292, 303-304, 356-357 Yedatene Na Corporation, 10 Yerington Paiute Tribe, 713-714 Yocha Dehe. See Wintun Yokuts peoples, 362-363, 473-474, 495-496 Yomba Shoshone Tribe, 715 Youth leadership Akimel O'odham/Pee Posh Youth Council Gila River Indian Community, 309-311 Ysleta del Sur Pueblo of Texas, 947-948 Yuita Corporation, 22 Yukaana Development Corporation, Louden Tribal Council (AK), 110-112 Yuki peoples, 363, 466-468 Yup'ik, 8 Akiachak Native Community, 45 Akiak, City of, 46 Alakanuk, City of, 48 Aleknagik, City of, 49-50 Algaaciq Native Village, 51-52 Andreafsky, 56 Aniak, 57-58 Asa'carsarmiut Tribe, 60-61 Atmautluak, 62-63 Chefornak, 73-74 Chevak, 74-75 Chuathbaluk, 87-88 Clark's Point, 89-90 Crooked Creek, 91-92 Curyung, 92-93 Eek, 98 Egegik, 99-100 Ekwok, 101 Emmonak, 103 Georgetown, 113 Goodnews Bay, 114 Hooper Bay, 119-120 Iliamna, 124-125 Iqurmiut, 125-126 Kasigluk, 136-137 Kipnuk, 142-143 Kongiganak, 149-150 Kotlik, 150-152 Kwethluk, 156-157 Kwigillingok, 158-159 Kwinhagak, 159-161 Levelock, 162-163 Lower Kalskag, 165-166 Manokotak, 167-168 Marshall, 169-170 Napakiak, 180-181 Napaskiak, 181-182 Newhalen, 189-190 New Koliganek, 187 New Stuyahok, 188-189 Newtok, 190-191 Nightmute, 191-192 Nunakauyarmiut, 207-208 Nunam Iqua, 208-209 Nunapitchuk, 209-210 Orutsararmuit, 212-213 Oscarville, 213-214 Pilot Station, 221-222 Pitka's Point, 222-223 Platinum, 223-224 Portage Creek, 233 Red Devil, 240-241 Saint Michael, 243-244 Scammon Bay, 248-249 Stebbins, 259-260 Stony River, 261-262 Togiak, 270-271 Tuluksak, 271 Tuntutuliak, 272 Tununak, 273 Twin Hills, 274 Umkumiute, 277 Upper Kalskag, 132-133 zero population villages, 37-38 Yurok Tribe, 363, 506-508 Big Lagoon Rancheria, 371-372 Blue Lake Rancheria, 380-382 reservation, 506-508 Resighini Rancheria, 460-461 Trinidad Rancheria, 493-495 Zero population villages, 37-38 Zho-Tse Inc., 28, 251 Zia Pueblo, 767-768 Zuni Eagle Sanctuary, 771-773 Zuni Land Conservation Act (1990), 770 Zuni Pueblo, 769-774 Zuni Sustainable Agriculture Project, 770