Tiller's Guide to Indian Country - First Edition

Index 531-532,542,546-547, 563-564,601,611, 613-616,618,621,623, 625 Hotel Santa Fe, 452 Houlton Maliseet Band of Indians, 355 Houlton Maliseet Reservation, 355 Houlton Water Company, 355 Housatonic Indians, 624 House, 5, 56, 69, 77, 83, 121, 141, 158, 185, 200,225,239,251,279-280, 304-305,321, 359,370-371,403,419, 437,443,445,447, 467,510,516-517,520, 536,545,564,613, 619,624,626 House Construction (see HUD, Housing, and Construction) Houseboat rentals, 580 (see also Marinas, Harbors, and Resorts) Households, 11,15, 19-20,27,155,176,253, 256,366,477,590 Housing, 10-20,22-27,29,31-42, 44-49,5156,58-69,71-96,98-101, 103-111,113-114, 116-165, 167-184, 186-193, 2, 195, 198199,204-208,211,213, 216,219,227,240, 242,246-247,250,252, 254,257-258,261263,266,271,276,280, 286,296-297,303, 318,336-337,351,355-356, 358-359,368, 374,379,383,387-392, 394,396,399,403, 405-406,412-413,419, 421,423-424,428, Ml, 450,459,463,465,475, 477,479,490491,494,503,507-508, 520,525,527-528, 538,540-543,545,549, 551-552,554,556, 572,580,585,590,599, 601-604,608,612, 619,621-623,625-626 Housing Authority, 204-205,207,213,216, 246-247,379,387,403, 413,491,508,525, 528,541-542,551-552, 585,590,601,623 Housing Improvement, 392,428 Houston County 612 Howard Johnson, 621 Hoyt Public Schools, 346 Hua-na-tots, 442 Hualapai Bible Mission, 212 Hualapai Reservation, 211-212 Hualapai Tribe, 196,205,209,211-212, 226 Hubbard County, 382 HUD, 41,207, 252,254,261, 264, 286, 326, 355,374,418,424,490, 507,527,538,552, 590,602,614 HUD Community Block Development Grant, 260 HUD Grant, 236,286,408,410,572 HUD Grant Funds, 236 HUD Model Cities Program, 208 HUD-funded programs, 399,541 Hudson, 503,582,584,586,592-593 Hudson Bay 406 Hudson Bay Company, 22,252,288,332,544 Hudson Hog Farm, 503 Hughes (Village), 9,15-17,74-75 Hughes Aircraft, 447 Hughes Health Clinic, 75 Hughes Missile Systems, 216 Hughes Power, 75 Human Resource Center, 336 Human Resource Committee, 249 Human Services, 242,327,363,375,381, 387, 394,401,410,501,508, 518,552,583,589, 625 Humboldt County 230, 233, 239, 242-243, 258,263-264,283,287, 302,309,413,420, 426,430 Humboldt Harbor, 156 Humboldt State University, 243,260,303 Huna Totem Corporation, 72-73 Hungry Valley Utility District, 425 Hungry Village, 104 Hungwitchin Corporation, 53 Hunkpapas, 562 Hunter, 304 Hunter Act, 312,314 Hunters, 3,5,18,100,151,186,206, 227,258, 334-335,346,379,403, 412,421-422,445, 500,505,511-512,522, 557,560,598-599 Hunting, 5,11-12,14,18,25,27-28, 32,34-35, 39-41,43,46,48,52-53, 55-56,63,65,68, 72,78,81-82,88-89,94, 108-111,113,119, 124,126-128,130,140-142, 148-149,155, 157,160,165,168-169, 171,175,177,179180,182,184,191-192, 202,205,209-210, 212-213,222,225,227, 230-233,236,238239,244,246,249,253, 267,269,273-274, 283,285,293,298,301, 307,309-310,318, 325,331,337-338,344-346, 350,354,356, 358,366-367,372-374, 379-381,383-384, 386-392,395,400-401, 403-404,410,412, 419,425,427-428,441-445, 448,451,456, 463,465,471,476,478, 491-492,495,499, 5W, 512,524,527,529,533, 537,539,544, 548,556-557,559-562, 564,567,572-573, 594,599,603,611-612, 614,616-617,622, 625 Hunting permits, 313 Hupa, 230,233,242 Hupa Tribal Museum, 260 Hupa Tribe, 259 Huron, 365-366,369-370,372, 380-381,389, 537 Huron Bands, 374 Huron Potawatomi, 369-370 Huron Potawatomi Reservation, 369 Huslia (Village), 9, 75-76 Huslia Health Clinic, 76 Hutsuwa Corporation, 541 Hwanyak, 199 Hyacks, 61 Hydaburg (Village), 10,48,76-77 Hydaburg City School District, 76 Hydaburg Emergency Medical Service, 77 Hydaburg Health Clinic, 76 Hydaburg Indian Reservation, 76 Hydrology 471 Ibapah, 421,569,572 Ice Fishing, 10,203,394 Idabel Shopping Mall, 510 Idaho, 301, 331-333, 335-339, 415-416, 422, 427,583 Idaho Power Company, 336,416 Idaho Supreme Court, 337 Iditarod-Kuskokwim, 109 Iditarod Area Regional Educational Attendance Area, 69, 162 Iditarod Dogsled Race, 58,68,123,162,172 Iditarod School District, 104 Igiugig (Village), 8,77 Igiugig Health Clinic, 77 Igiugig Native Corporation, 77 Igloo Native Corporation, 108 Ihiak, 61 IHS, (see Indian Health Service) Ikatan, 61 Ikogmiut, 150 Iliamna (Village), 8,77-78,94,127-128,136 Iliamna Airport, 119 Iliamna Health Clinic, 78 Iliamna Newhalen Power Company, 119, 128 Iliamna Village Council, 78 Iliuliuk Family 187 Illinois, 342,344,346,368,511, 529,535,566, 612 Illinois Central Gulf, 396 Illinois Confederacy 526 Illinois Tribe, 520 Illmawi, 238,268,308 Illnik, 40 Immokalee Reservation, 326 Imperial County, 206,256-257 Imperial Eagle, 581 Imperial Irrigation District, 245 Imperial Russian Navy, 113,160 Inaja-Cosmit Tribe, 231 Inchlium Wood Treatment Plant, 580 Incorporated Fishermen of Quinhagak, 147 Indian-owned, 399,404,424,489,494-495, 451,508,560,605 Indian Agent, 415,420 Indian Assistance Program, 306 Indian Citizenship Act, 478 Indian City U. S. A., 500,501,512 Indian Claims, 514 Indian Claims Commission, 6,213,248,269, 309,333,411,423,429, 435,450,547,571, 577,600 Indian Claims Commission Act, 268, 273, 308 Indian Claims Commission Cases, 245-246 Indian Claims Settlement Act, 354,357-358, 361 Indian Commissioner, 527,619 Indian Country, 319,376,565 Indian Country Bingo, 530 Indian Country Today, 556,561 666