Tiller's Guide to Indian Country - First Edition

Index kdian Days, 286,288,359,399,403, 425,602, 627 Indian Development District of Arizona, 198,201,226 Indian Development Enterprise, 583 Indian Education Center, 242,284 Indian Effigy Mounds, 613 Indian Elders Center, 321 Indian Forestry Service, 597 Indian Health Service (IHS), 5,26,41,55,58, 62,79,135,2,201,203, 207-208,211-213, 217-219,223-224,246, 248-250,257-258, 261-262,264,266,272, 275-276,281,288, 297,307,342,336,339, 352,355,368-369, 372,383,394,400,413, 417,420,423,427, 430-431,420,425-426, 431-432,443,446, 450-451,458,460,469, 485,490,492,495, 501-502,507,510,512, 515-516,519,525, 532,535-536,538,540, 543,559-561,569, 572,573,579,581,583, 585,587-588,596, 598,601-602,604,613, 620,623,626-627 Indian Health Service Clinics, 2, 212, 242, 264,266,274-275,295, 347,418,425,449, 453,490,529,572-573, 586,598,602 Indian Health Service Hospitals, 224, 260, 437,423,466,495,507, 515,561 Indian Heights Village, 613 Indian Heritage Month, 487 Indian Homeless Acts, 296 Indian Housing Authority, 24(-247, 541,601, 623 Indian Irrigation Service, 274,467 Indian Lake Campground, 547 Indian Land Consolidation Act, 237 Indian Mission Festival, 208 Indian Mission Methodist Church, 321 Indian Nation Lotto, 485 Indian Nation Turnpike, 510 Indian New Deal, 562 Indian Peaks Reservation, 571 Indian Removal Act, 502 Indian Reorganization Act Constitutions, 243,251-252,256,261, 265,269,271,279280,283,286,289,299, 302,580 (see also Constitution) Indian Reorganization Act Councils, 12,25, 37, 76,92,97,99-101, 109-110, 115, 124, 126, 128,132, 158, 160-163, 181 (see also Tribal Councils) Indian Reorganization Act of 1934,198-200, 202,206-207,210,212-213, 215,218,220, 229,236,243-247,249, 251-252,255-257, 261,263,265,269,279-280, 282-283,286287,291,293-294,299-300, 302,304,306308,324-325,327,335, 337-338, 3M-346, 366-368,370,372-373, 376-377,380-385, 386,388,390,393,396, 399-400,403-404, 406-407,411,413,415-417, 420,423-424, 425-426,429,431-432, 437,439,444,44748,452-453,455,459,461, 463,468,470, 474-475,477-479,491-492, 494,500,509, 514,516,528,535-536, 540,543,547-548, 551-552,557-558,561-562, 563,569,572, 580,583-587,592,595, 599,603,605,609, 611,616,619, 621-624 (see also Wheeler-Howard Act of 1934) Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (Alaskan Native Villages), 1,5,12,20,22,25, 33, 25-26,37,44,47,49,51, 53,58,62,65,68, 73,76,82-83,85,90,92, 97,99-101, 109111,115,124,126,128, 132,137,141-142, 146,153,157-158,160-166, 169-170,173174, 179,181,183,185,189,191 Indian Schools, 255,349,369,384,414-416, 419,422,454,457-458, 466,468,477,481, 495,564,581,600,619 Indian Self Determination Act, 621 Indian Shaker Church, 255,577,593 Indian Territory 70, 105, 129,342,332,344, 346,362,395,409,484, 497,499-502,506507,509,511-514,520, 522,524,526-536, 565 Indian Township Reservation, (and Pleasant Point), 359 Indian Training School, 255 (see also community colleges) Indian Wars, 204,342,357,517 Indianola, 593 Indio, 244-245 Industrial, 191, 320,359,372-374,379, 389, 400,437-438,449,453, 459,508,517,562, 583,614 Industrial Commission, 444 Industrial Development Fund, 217 Industrial Parks, 9,195, 201, 207, 211, 215216,218,220,222,224, 226,239-240,242243,245,247,250,264, 278,288,294,304, 312,314,324,326,367, 379,384,394,396, 399,403,405-406,410, 412,429,437,454, 460,469,476,485,490, 493-495,497,501, 503,510,518-519,523, 528-531,536,542, 549,556,558,564,573, 582,584,593,604, 606,-608,616,618,621, 625 Information Centers, 198,454,457,549,565 Ingalik Athabascan, 23,43,48,68, 72, 104, 148,162,167, 171-172 Ingebrigtson Trucking, 394 Inland Sea Symposium, 623 Inn, 98,217,259,337,376,386, 445,451,483, 508,531-532,621-622 Inn of the Mountati Gods, 449 Innoko,172 Insurance company, 521,613 Integrated Resource Management Plan, 444 Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative, 452 Inter-Tribal Council of Miami, 526-527 Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, 417,425 Inter-American Indian Institute, 567 Intercourse Act, 320,358 Interim Land Use Ordinance, 333 Interior Telephone Company, 63,65,78,88, 119, 145,156,187 Intermodal, 622 Intermountain Gas Company, 336 International Port of Coos Bay, 542 International trade, 621 (see Foreign Trade) Intemodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act, 408 Inu, 10 Inukluk, 191 Inupiat, 3,5, 131 Inupiat Eskimo, 6, 18,27-28,33,46,49,51, 58,66,80-81,86,89,93, 97-98, 108, 125126,128,130,141-142, 160,162,164-165, 168,176,185, 189-191 Investment, 8-10,193,358,371,471, 494,503, 527,586,618,625 Investment Programs, 303 Investments, 10,338,357-359,462 Investors, 286,307,485 Inyo, 239-242,256,267,301 Inyo County, 239,241,256,267,301 Iowa, 342, 346-347, 409-411, 524, 527, 529, 612 Iowa Council, 518 Iowa Nation of Kansas, 346 Iowa Reservation (in Kansas), 343-344 Iowa Reservation (in Oklahoma), 518 Iowa Sac and Fox, 341,347 Iowa State Legislature, 342 Iowa Tribal Bingo, 344 Iowa Tribal Government, 518 Iowa Tribal Mini Mart, 518 Iowa Tribal Pow Wow, 518 Iowa Tribe Art Fair, 518 Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, 344,518-519 Iowy Nation Grain Company, 344 Ipai-Tipai Tribe, 235 Ipiutak, 141 Ipnatchiaq Electric Company, 49 Iqfijouaq Company 54 Iron, 44,405,408,479-480,570, 596,609 Ironwood, 373,615 Iroquois, 318, 342, 369, 377, 383, 389, 393, 474-478,480-481,487, 532,537,620-621 Iroquois Bone Carvings, 480 Iroquois Confederacy, 487,474-478,481,537, 620 Iroquois Confederacy of New York, 487 Iroquois Gas Company, 475,477 Iroquois National Museum, 475 Irrigate, 200,251,558 Irrigation, 197, 200, 202, 204-208, 213-215, 219-221,223,234,237, 239,245,249,251, 253,271,274,276-277, 289-291,293,297, 301,312,314,404,419, 421,439,441,450, 452-453,456,458,461-463, 466-468,557, 559,580,607-608,627 Irrigation Rehabilitation Program, 208 Irving Industrial Park, 476 Irving Wastewater Service, 477 Isabella County, 370-371 Isabella Reservation, 370-371 Isanotski Corporation, 61 Isatawi, 238,268 667