Tiller's Guide to Indian Country - Second Edition

535 Manufacturing. The manufacturing industry is the second-largest source of employment among tribal members. As of 2004, manufacturing represented employment for 10 percent of the tribe's workforce, employing 268 tribal members. Except for the reservation-based cottage industry of traditional artisans, virtually all of these people work for enterprises located off the reservation. Industrial Park. The tribe has proposed construction of the Coeur d'Alene ECO-Industrial Park on 24 acres south of Plummer. Development will include upgrading of the existing Union Pacific Railroad road, and construction of sidewalks, parking lots, walkways, and transit parking and boarding sites. Highway 95 and Agency Road will receive upgrades, and a bridge will be constructed at the existing culverts. Facilities will be constructed in three phases. Phase one will include construction of a business incubator building, a retail and light manufacturing building, and six cottage industry/residence units. Phase two includes two office buildings, and a manufacturing/warehouse building. Phase three will complete the complex with four additional office buildings, and a manufacturing /warehouse building. Real Estate/Commercial Development. The tribe is in the process of constructing housing units at various sites across the reservation. The plans call for the construction of 17 units and include improvements to local roadways. Services and Retail. The reservation hosts several businesses, including the Benewah Market, which employs about 20 people. The Benewah Auto Center began by renovating an existing Exxon Station into a full-service automotive center. The auto center has expanded further into a convenience store and employs four people. Media and Communications. The tribe publishes the Coeur d'Alene/Schitsu'umsh Council Fires, a monthly newspaper. Tourism and Recreation. The Shadowy St. Joe Stream courses through the reservation to Lake Coeur d'Alene. It is considered one of North America's premier trout streams. It is the highest navigable stream in the world and serves as a waterway for tugboats working the Spokane River. Upon completion of the Plummer-Mullan Rail Trail, the tribe plans to build an interpretive center and museum at the trailhead in the 45-acre area known as the Celebration Grounds. Other projects planned for the location are a longhouse, a war dance arena, an RV park, elderly housing, a vendors’ building, a permanent sweat lodge, and recreational ball fields. The Celebration Grounds are ceremonial grounds used for tribal ceremonies and celebrations. The historical Cataldo Mission is the oldest standing building in the state of Idaho. It was built in the mid-1840s to serve the Coeur d'Alene tribal people. In the 1870s, the mission was moved from the church site to a building in DeSmet when tensions between the tribe and Euro-American settlers began to rise. The historic Catholic mission and the adjacent Sisters' Building, built in 1880, serve as important cultural and religious gathering places. Outdoor enthusiasts enjoy the reservation's abundant fishing, boating, and water sport activities. In the more remote regions to the east, hunters pursue big game such as bear, elk, and deer, as well as waterfowl. Golf, hiking, mountain climbing, and winter skiing are all quite popular. There are several camping areas on and adjacent to tribal lands. INFRASTRUCTURE U.S. Highway 95 is the main north-south road through the reservation, connecting with Interstate 90 to the north. Over 400 miles of county, local highway, and BIA roads traverse the reservation. The various governmental entities are responsible for maintaining the roadways. The tribe actively monitors and evaluates existing roads and determines the needs for additional roadways. Coeur d'Alene TRI-ID-001 Headquarters Sign at Coeur D'Alene Tribal Building TRI-ID-002 Main entrance of Tribal Building complex TRI-ID-005 Coeur D'Alene Casino Hotel US Highway 95 Worley, Idaho TRI-ID-003 Tepees & Stagecoach Display in front of Trading Post off of Highway 95 TRI-ID-004 Back of Coeur D'Alene Tribal Wellness Center TRI-ID-001 TRI-ID-002 TRI-ID-005 TRI-ID-003 TRI-ID-004