Tiller’s Guide to Indian Country - Third Edition

391 Circling Raven Golf Club is located adjacent to the casino resort, a par-72 championship course. The club is located in the forest meadows and wetlands of the tribe’s recreation area. There is a School of Golf with classes, a Junior Golf Clinic, and one-day golf clinics with renowned instructors.The golf course opened in August 2003 and was honored by Audubon International with inclusion in the International Cooperative Sanctuary System in 2004. INFRASTRUCTURE Highways and Roads. U.S. Highway 95 is the main north-south road through the reservation, connecting with Interstate 90 to the north. Over 400 miles of county, local highway, and BIA roads traverse the reservation. Transportation. The tribe developed a ferry system to provide east-west access to the eastern half of the reservation and Lake Coeur d’Alene. It is also developing plans for an airport near the Coeur d’Alene Casino and Resort. Furthermore, the tribe is in the process of developing the North U.S. 95 Corridor in collaboration with the cities of Worley and Coeur d’Alene, Kootenai County, and local businesses and residents. The corridor extends over five miles fromWorley onto the reservation. The nearest commercial airline service is in Spokane, 40 miles west. Commercial train and bus lines serve the city of Coeur d’Alene, about 25 miles from the reservation. Commercial truck lines serve the reservation directly. The tribe provides bus services for the tribal school. Electricity is provided by Washington Power Company. Water Supply. Solid waste is collected by private contractors and transported to county landfills. The tribe is currently expanding landfill capacity on the reservation. COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES The Youth Crisis Center is an emergency shelter for tribal youth. There are public libraries in Worley, De Smet, and Plummer. The tribe operates a community center in De Smet. Health Care. The Fort Hall Indian Health Service and the tribal health and human services department are jointly accredited through theAccreditationAssociation for Ambulatory Health Care, Inc., the only tribally operated health care system to be jointly accredited. Not-TsooGah-NeeHealthCenteroffersambulatory health care and other services to members of the Shoshone- Bannock Tribes and other eligible federally recognized American Indian andAlaska Native tribal members. This includes medical, nursing, pharmacy, dental, optometry, radiology, lab services, including referrals to the tribes’ Purchased and Referred Care Program for specialty care. The facility is staffed with 47 full-time employees. Cultural preservation. The culture department operates a language program for tribal members at all skill levels and encourages everyday usage in workplaces. The culture resource management program is staffed by employees of the lakemanagement and natural resource departments and work in accordance with the National Historic Preservation Act to monitor archaeological research and excavation sites on the reservation, utilizing cultural resourcemanagement software to document and store archival information. The Schitsu’umsh Cultural Center was opened in Plummer, Idaho, in 2006. The tribe hosts a water potato harvest annually in Heyburn State Park to celebrate the importance of this food source in their cultural heritage. Julyamsh, an annual encampment, is the largest outdoor powwow in the northwest. Each year in August, tribal members who are Catholic celebrate theFeastof theAssumptionmassat theCataldo Old Mission Church with presentation of a tribal crook to the bishop. Festivities include dancing and storytelling. Education. The tribal school system includes a Head Start program,aK-8tribalschoollocatedinDeSmet,Circling Raven vocational training for adults, and a bachelor’s degree program offered through Circling Raven and Lewis and Clark College. Tribal youth may attend the Coeur d’Alene Tribal School, where there are instructional classes in theSchitsu’umsh language, or public elementary and secondary schools.There is also a Christian academy located on the reservation and Little Hummingbirdsdaycareforpre-schoolers.TheJohnsonO’Malley Program provides tutoring and culturally relevant instructional materials and activities for children enrolled in the local schools. The department of education also makes after-school enrichment activities available to students enrolled in their Strengthening the Spirit program and hosts a summer youth internship annually to provide teens with job skills. The tribe operates adult basic education, employment training and supportive services, such as on-the-job training and financial assistance for vocational coursework and college classes. Classes from colleges in the region are available live or via video conference at the Coeur d’Alene TribalInstitute.With pro- Coeur d’Alene ceeds from its gaming enterprise, the tribe donates considerable funding to other schools every year. 2014 awards totalled $1.2 million and were distributed to a total of 52 schools or school districts and educational nonprofit institutions. To date, the tribe has contributed over $21 million in this way and were awarded the National EducationAssociation’s Leo Reano Memorial Award in June of 2014 in recognition of their ongoing commitment toeducation. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS The tribe’s natural resources department oversees forest management and the lakemanagement plan in keeping with the Land Use Ordinance first passed in 1988. Chief among the concerns has been cleanup of the aftermath of a century of mining in the region. Over a 100- year period, the mining industry in Idaho’s Silver Valley dumped 72 million tons of mine waste into the Coeur d’Alene watershed. The tribe, working with the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department, the Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Geological Survey, has taken the leading role in cleanup efforts and the leading role toward responsible stewardship of the entire Coeur d’Alene Basin, one of the country’s largest Superfund sites. Cleanup of the Upper Coeur d’Alene Basin has continued at a steady pace over the previous decade, and in 2014 the tribe has begun to focus on initiatives to restore the lakes, wetlands, creeks, rivers, and floodplains in the Lower Basin as well. Complicating the mine waste cleanup efforts in the commercial and residential development that has sprung up surrounding Lake Coeur d’Alene. The tribe has implemented storm water runoff contingency plans in times of high rains and increased snow melt and has enacted ordinances to control future development on at least the reservation portion of the lake in order to lower risks of algae blooms and other potentially detrimental effects on fish and wildlife resources. The protection of water quality is emphasized to tribal members and nonmembers alike. The tribe manages a Lake-A-Syst free assessment program to help homeowners with lawn and garden management, septic management, and how to protect vegetative buffers at water’s edge and avoid aquatic invasive species contamination. The program features personal consultation with members of the department of environmental quality and a published manual of best practices in water stewardship. Fort Hall Fort Hall Reservation Federal reservation Shoshone, Bannock Bingham, Power, Bannock, and Caribou counties, Idaho Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Of the Fort Hall Reservation P.O. Box 306 Pima Drive Fort Hall, ID 83203 888-297-1378 toll free 208-237-0797 Fax www.sbtribes.com PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Topography ranges from relatively lush river valleys to rugged foothills and mountains. Elevations vary from 4,400 feet at American Falls Reservoir to nearly 9,000 feet in southern mountain areas. CLIMATE The nearby town of Pocatello experiences summer temperatures ranging between 68°F and 88°F. Winter temperatures often drop into the low teens.Average rainfall is 11.5 inches per year. The snowy season lasts from September through May, with an average of 43.3 inches annually. LOCATION AND LAND STATUS The Fort Hall Reservation is located in the eastern Snake River Plain of southeastern Idaho on lands that lie north and west of the town of Pocatello. The Snake River, Blackfoot River, and the American Falls Reservoir border the reservation on the north and northwest. The reservation was established by an executive order under the terms of the Fort Bridger Treaty of 1868. It originally contained 1.8 million acres, an amount that was reduced to 1.2 million acres in 1872 as a result of a survey error. The reservation was further reduced to its present size through subsequent legislation and the allotment process. Fort Hall