Tiller’s Guide to Indian Country - Third Edition

Index 847 Inupiat, 6, 31, 41-43, 79-80, 8586, 93-94, 98-99, 102-103, 135137, 140-141, 156-157, 175177, 179, 195-196 Inupiat Eskimo, 54-55, 61-62, 67-68, 186-187, 197 Kauwerak Eskimo, 44-45 Kobuk, 79-80 Kobuk Inupiat, 31 KokyukonAthabascan, 68-69 KoniagAleut, 51-52 KoniagmiutAlutiiq, 158-159 Kootznoowoo Tlingit, 36-37 Kowagmiut Inupiat, 34-35, 9293, 95-96, 138-139 KoyukonAthabascan, 6, 33-34, 79-81, 87-88, 104-105, 112-113, 127, 141-142, 166-168, 181, 183-184 Kutchin (Gwich'in)Athabascan, 46-47, 57, 63-64, 71-72 Kutchin (Gwich'in), Eskimo, 43 Malemiut Inupiat, 103-104 Nunamiut, 6, 35 Nunamiut Eskimo, 68-69, 79-80 Nuniwarmiut Cup'ig, 117-118 Selawik, 79-80 Siberian Eskimo, 73-74 Siberian Yup'ik, 6, 170-171 TanacrossAthabascan, 6, 62-63, 77, 183 TananaAthabascan, 6, 119-120, 126-127 Tikeraqmuit Inupiat, 155-156 Tlingit, 7, 53-54, 58-59, 78-79, 85, 91-92, 96-97, 151, 171-172, 177-178, 198-199 Tsimshian, 7, 119 Unalit Yup'ik, 103-104 Unangan, 26-27, 110-111, 161164 Unangan Aleut, 40-41, 70-71, 133-134, 164-166 Upper KuskokwimAthabascan, 6, 116-117, 132-133, 139-140, 186, 187-188 Upper TananaAthabascan, 6, 139-140, 187-188 Yup'ik, 7, 28-29, 30-33, 36-41, 82-84, 86-87, 90-91, 100-102, 105-114, 122-124, 127-132, 144-145, 146-148, 152-155, 161, 166-169 Yup'ik Eskimo, 48-50, 57-61, 6568, 74, 79, 142-143, 171-172, 188-191 Alaska CoastalAggregate, 22 Alaska Growth Capital, 12 AlaskaNativeClaims SettlementAct (ANCSA) (1971), 3, 5, 7-22 Alaska OrganicAct (1884), 3-4 Alaska Peninsula Corporation, 99, 129, 158, 179, 192-193 Alaska Rural Communications Service (ARCS), 4 Alaska StatehoodAct (1959), 4 Alaska Tourism Corporation, 18 Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative Inc., 23 Alaska v. Native Village of Venetie Tribal Government (USSC) (1998), 195 Alatna Village, 31 Aleknagik, 31-32 Aleut, 6. See also Unangan Adak, 25-26 Akutan, 29-30 Newhalen, 129-130 The Aleut Corporation (TAC), 9-10, 25 Aleut Enterprise Corporation Adak, City of, 25 Aleut Enterprise Corporation LLC (AEC), 10 Aleut Global Solutions LLC, 10 Aleut Management Services LLC (AMS), 10 Algaaciq, 32-33 Algonquian Shinnecock, 584-585 Allakaket, 33-34 Allegany, 576-577 Alliance of Tribal TourismAdvocates, 702 All Indian Pueblo Council, 548 All Native Systems, 497 AllotmentAct (1904), 207 Alturas, 250 Alutiiq, 6 Akhiok, 27-28 Chanega, 47-48 Eyak, 69-70 Iliamna, 82-83 Karluk, 88-89 King Salmon, 93-94 Kokhanok, 99-100 Larsen Bay, 109-110 Naknek, 120-121 Nelson Lagoon, 124-126 Ninilchik, 134-135 Old Harbor, 145-146 Ouzinkie, 148-149 Perryville, 150-151 Pilot Point, 151-152 Port Lions, 159-161 Alutiiq (Sugpiaq Eskimo) Seldovia Village, 173-174 AlutiiqAleut Chignik (Bay), 50-51 Chignik Lake, 52 Clark's Point, 57-58 Curyung, 60-61 Egegik, 65 Igiugig, 82 Ivanof Bay, 84-85 South Naknek, 179-180 Ugashik, 192-193 Amauthlauk Limited, 41 Ambler, 34-35 American Greetings, 470 American Indian Chamber of Commerce of New Mexico (AICCNM), 544-545 American Indian Council ofArchitects and Engineers (AICAE), 606 American Indian Hall of Fame, 619 American Indian Higher Education Consortium, 480 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (2009), 652 Amiercans for Indian Opportunity (AIO), 620 Anaktuvuk Pass, 35 Anchorage, 36 Andreafsky, 36 Angoon, 36-37 Aniak, 37-38 Anishinabe (Chippewa) White Earth, 464-467 Anishinabeck (Ojibwa-Chippewa) Isabella, 431-433 ANSCA. SeeAlaska Native Claims SettlementAct Anselmo George R. Derby and Major Samuel P. Heintzelman Valencia Tori Amphitheater, 233 Anvik, 38-39 Apache Camp Verde, 202-205 Colorado River, 207-208 Comanche, 618-619 Fort McDowell, 212-213 Fort SillApache, 533, 625-627 JicarillaApache Nation, 538-541 Mescalero, 546-547 TontoApache, 240-241 Apache (Kiowa) Apache Tribe, 603-604 Apache Nugget, Inc., 539 Apache Tribe, 603-604 Apsalooke (Crow) Crow, 476-478 Aquaculture. See Fisheries, aquaculture Aquinnah. SeeWampanoag (Aquinnah) Aquinnah Cultural Center (ACC), 424 Arapaho Cheyenne-Arapaho, 610 Archaeological Resources Protection Act (1979), 394, 424 Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), 11-13 Arctic Village. See Venetie Arikara Fort Berthold, 591-594 Arizona, 201-243 map, 200 Ak-Chin, 201-202 Camp Verde, 202-205 Cocopah, 205-206 Colorado River, 207-208 FortApache, 209-211 Fort McDowell, 212-213 Fort Yuma-Quechan, 213-214 Gila River, 215-217 Havasupai, 217-218 Hopi, 219-221 Hualapai, 221-223 Kaibab Paiute, 223-224 Navajo Nation, 225-231 Pascua Yaqui, 232-233 Salt River, 234-236 San Carlos Apache, 236-237 San Juan, 238 Tohono O'odham, 238-240 TontoApache, 240-241 Yavapai-Prescott, 242-243 cultural groups Apache, 202-205, 207-208, 212213, 240-241 Chemehuevi, 207-208 Cocopah, 205-206 Havasupai, 217-218 Hopi, 219-221 Hopi People, 207-208 Hualapai, 221-223 Kaibab Paiute, 223-224 Maricopa, 215-217, 234-236 Mohave,207-208, 212-213 Navajo, 207-208, 238 Pascua Yaqui, 232-233 Pima, 201-202, 215-217, 234236 Quechan, 213-214 Southern Paiute, 238 Tohono O'odham, 201-202, 238240 Yavapai, 202-205, 207-208, 212213, 242-243 Aroostook, 416-417 ARS International LLC (ARS), 10 Arviq Inc., 154 Asa'carsarmiut, 39-40 ASCG Inc., 12 Askinuk Corporation, 172, 173 Asset management. See Finance, asset management Assiniboine Fort Belknap, 481-482 Fort Peck, 483-484, 485 Athabascan, 6. See also individual language groups Curyung, 60-61 King Salmon, 93-94 Levelock, 110-111 Naknek, 120-121 Newhalen, 129-130 Atka, 40-41 Atkasook. SeeAtqasuk Atmautluak,41 Atqasuk, 41-42 Atsugewi. See Pit River Atxam Corporation, 10, 40 Auburn Indian RestorationAct (1994), 359 Augustine, 251 Azachorok Inc., 39 Baan O Yeel Kon Corporation, 166 Bad River, 787-788 Bah-Kho-Je Iowa Tribe, 627-629 Banks, tribal. See Finance Bannock Fort Hall, 391-394 Barona, 252-253 Barrow, 42-43 Barter Island. See Kaktovik Battle Mountain, 499-500 Bay Mills, 427-428 Bay View Inc., 84 Bean Ridge Corporation, 113 Bear River Rohnerville, 332-333 Beaver, 43 Becharof Corporation, 65 Bedré Fine Chocolates, 612 Benton Paiute, 254 Bering Straits Native Corporation (BSNC), 13-14 Berry Creek, 255 Bethel Native Corporation