Index 849 California Valley, 269-270 Calista Corporation, 15-17 Campo, 270-271 Camp Verde, 202-205 Caniqaq. See Chanega Cañoncito Navajo Chapter. See To'Hajiilee Cantwell, 45-46 Cape Fox Corporation, 171 Capitan Grande, 272 Carson Colony, 500 Carter, Jimmy, 419 Casinos. See Gaming Catawba Catawba Indian Nation, 687-689 Catawba Indian Nation, 687-689 Catawba ISWADevelopment Corporation, 688-689 Cattaraugus, 577-578 Cayuga Cayuga Nation, 578-579 Seneca-Cayuga, 655 Cayuga Nation, 578-579 Cayuse Umatilla Tribes, 678-680 Cedar Band Corporation, 722 Cedarville, 272-273 Celilo Village, 666 CentralArizona Project (CAP, 1968), 213, 235, 240 Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes, 22 Chahta Development Company, 470 Chalkyitsik, 46-47 Chaluka Corporation, 133 Chanega, 47-48 Charter schools. See individual tribes Chasta (Shasta) Grand Ronde, 671-673 Cheesh-Na, 48 Chefarnrmute, Inc., 48 Chefornak, 48-49 Chefornok. See Chefornak Chehalis, 731-732 Quinault, 762-764 Shoalwater Bay, 767-768 Chelan Colville, 733-735 Chemehuevi, 246 Chemehuevi Tribe, 273-274 Colorado River, 207-208 Morongo, 314-315 Chemehuevi Tribe, 273-274 Chenega. See Chanega Chenega Bay. See Chanega Cher-ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria, 355-356 Cherokee Cherokee Nation, 607-609 Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, 587-589 United Keetoowah, 659-660 Cherokee Nation, 607-609 Cherokee Nation Distributors (CND), 608 Cherokee Nation Industries (CNI), 608 Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831), 607 Chevak, 49-50 Chevak Company Corporation, 49 Cheyenne Cheyenne-Arapaho, 610 Cheyenne-Arapaho, 610 Cheyenne River Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, 691693 Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, 691-693 Chickaloon, 50 Chickasaw Chickasaw Nation, 611-613 Chickasaw Nation, 611-613 Chicken Ranch, 275 Chico, 275-276 Chignik (Bay), 50-51 Chignik Lagoon, 51-52 Chignik Lake, 52 Chignik River Limited, 52 Chilkat, 53 Chilkoot, 53 Chilula, 246 Chinik, 54-55 Chinook Quinault, 762-764 Shoalwater Bay, 767-768 Chinuruk Inc., 131, 193 Chippewa Bad River, 787-788 Fond du Lac, 447-449 Grand Portage, 449-451 Lac du Flambeau, 795-797 Rocky Boy's, 488-489 St. Croix Chippewa, 809-811 Turtle Mountain, 597-600 Chippewa (Ojibwe) Mole Lake, 802-803 Red Cliff, 807-808 Chippewa Cree Tribe of Rocky Boy Montana, 488-489 Chippewa Ottawa ResourceAuthority (CORA), 437, 444 Chippewa Tribal Industries, 598 Chistochina. See Cheesh-Na Chitimacha Chitimacha Tribe, 409-410 Chitimacha Tribe, 409-410 Chitina, 55-56 Choctaw, 469-471 Choctaw Choctaw Nation, 613-616 Jena Band, 412 Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, 469-471 Choctaw Code Talkers of WWII, 615 Choctaw Fabricators, 615 ChoctawManagement/Services Enterprise (CM/SE), 615 Choctaw Nation, 613-616 Choctaw Nation Defense, 614, 615 Choggiung Limited, 60, 161 Chuathbaluk, 56-57 ChugachigmuitAlutiiq Nanwalek, 122 Tatitlek, 184-185 Chugash Port Graham, 157-158 Chukchansi Picayune, 322-323 Table Mountain, 351 Chumash, 246 Santa Ynez, 340-341 Circle, 57 Citizen Potawatomi, 616-617 Clark's Point, 57-58 Clean AirAct (1963), 213, 255, 261, 274 Climate. See individual tribes Cloud Peak Energy, Inc., 477 Cloverdale, 276-277 Coalition of Large Tribes (COLT), 392 Coal mining Alaska, 11, 12 Arizona, 219-220, 226, 228, 229, 231 Montana, 475, 487 South Dakota, 692 Cochiti, 532-533 Cochtaw Electronics, 470 Cocopah Cocopah Tribe, 205-206 Cocopah Tribe, 205-206 Coeur d'Alene Coeur d'Alene Tribe, 389-391 Coeur d'Alene Tribe, 389-391 Cold Springs, 277-278 Colorado, 367-372 Southern Ute, 367-369 Ute Mountain Ute, 369-371 cultural groups Ute, 367-371 Colorado River (tribe), 207-208 Columbia River Celilo Village, 666 Colusa, 278-279 Colville, 733-735 Comanche Comanche Tribe, 618-619 Comanche Tribe, 618-619 Commercial development. See individual tribes Communications. See Newspapers/ news publications; Radio stations; Telecommunications; Television Community facilities and services. See individual tribes Composite Products, 681 Concow-Maidu. See Maidu Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes, 478-480 Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, 782-785 Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, 667668 Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians of Oregon, 676-678 Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, 719-720 Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, 678-680 Confederated Tribes of theWarm Springs Reservation, 680-682 CongressionalAct (1974), 218 Connecticut, 373-377 Mashantucket Pequot, 373-374 Mohegan, 375-377 cultural groups Mohegan, 375-377 Pequot, 373-374 Connecticut Sun (WNBA), 376 Construction companies Alaska, 8-12, 14-22, 51, 59, 60, 72, 74, 78, 134, 146 Arizona, 208, 228, 235 California, 262, 263-264, 271, 290, 295, 348, 349, 351, 357 Colorado, 370 Florida, 383 Kansas, 403 Louisiana, 410 Maine, 419, 420 Michigan, 428, 431, 435, 442, 444 Minnesota, 448, 450, 461, 464 Mississippi, 470 Montana, 474, 479, 487, 488 Nebraska, 497 Nevada, 503, 504 New Mexico, 532, 534, 539, 550, 553 New York, 583 North Carolina, 588 North Dakota, 592-593 Oklahoma, 603, 604, 628 Oregon, 667, 672, 679, 681 South Carolina, 688 South Dakota, 699, 711 Texas, 717 Utah, 728 Washington state, 732, 734, 749, 752, 768, 772, 780 Wisconsin, 794, 796, 799, 803, 810 Wyoming, 816 Cook Inlet Region Incorporated (CIRI), 18-19 Coos Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians, 667668 Copper Center. See Kluti-Kaah Coquille Coquille Indian Tribe, 668-670 Coquille Indian Tribe, 668-670 Coquille Land, Resources, and Environmental Services Department (LRES), 669 Cordova. See Eyak Cortina, 279-280 Court systems. See individual tribes Coushatta, 410-411 Coushatta Alabama-Coushatta, 713-714 Cow Creek, 670-671 Cowlitz, 735-736 Cowlitz Indian Tribe, 735-736 Quinault, 762-764 Coyote Valley, 280-281 Craig, 58-59 Creative Images, 671 Credit unions. See Finance, credit unions Cree Rocky Boy's, 488-489 Creek Creek Nation, 621-623 Poarch Creek, 1-2 Creek (Muskogee) Alabama Quassarte, 602-603 Thlopthlocco, 656-657 Creek Indian Enterprises Development Authority (CIEDA), 1 Creek Nation, 621-623 Crooked Creek, 59-60