Tiller’s Guide to Indian Country - Third Edition

Index 851 Michigan air quality, 441 Boardman-Charlevoix watershed, 430 Circle of Flight program, 428 emerald ash borer, 432 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, 428 illegal dumpsite cleanup, 435 invasive species, 428, 441, 444 Kalamazoo River watershed, 440 Manistee River Basin, 437 Minnesota bird migration habitat, 447 Circle of Flight program, 453 fire fuel-reduction, 449 Gull and Pelican Islands Bird Sanctuary, 453 invasive species, 451 migratory waterfowl habitat, 450451, 461 Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa 1837 Ceded Territory Conservation Code, 458 nuclear waste, 459 water reclamation, 462 watershed protection, 449 wetlands restoration, 458, 464 Montana endangered/threatened species, 488 mining cyanide waste, 482 National Bison Range, 479, 480 swift fox population, 476 water quality and supply, 484 water resources, 487-488, 489 water systems, 478 Navajo Nation, 229-230 Nebraska water contamination, 494 Nevada acid mine drainage, 503 defense activity contamination, 514, 520 earthquake faults, 501 endangered/threatened species, 504, 514, 518 fish habitat restoration, 504 gold mining impacts, 499, 500 groundwater contamination, 503, 504 invasive species, 504 lead contamination of rivers, 517 noise pollution, 512 SuperFund sites, 520 water quality, 511 water resources, 501 New Mexico dam impacts, 533 flooding damages, 563 flood plain restoration, 556 geothermal exploration, 537 hazardous waste, 554 impacts frommilitary bases, 535 invasive species, 560-561 Rio Grande River contamination, 559 Savory grazing method, 558, 570 SuperFund sites, 569 water resources, 547 New York hydrofracturing, opposition to, 581 SuperFund sites, 584 toxic waste, 581 water quality, 586 North Dakota chemical contamination, 594 flooding damages, 597 hydrofracturing, 594 water quality, 597 water rights, 600 Oklahoma air quality, 652 air/water pollution, 624 Arbuckle-SimpsonAquifer, 613 Brownfields project, 602, 619 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, 623 health impacts due to oil drilling, 627 legal recourse to oil and gas land leases, 626-627 mining contamination, 649 SuperFund sites, 649 swamp gas, 639 water quality, 617, 646, 647 water rights, 609, 616 wildlife preserves, 609 wildlife protection, 629 Oregon chemical weapons, 680 endangered/threatened species, 673 fish restoration, 675 invasive species, 669 nuclear waste, 680 SuperFund sites, 673 water quality, 666 watershed protection, 673, 678 wetlands restoration, 675 South Carolina Catawba River, 689 endangered/threatened species, 689 SuperFund sites, 689 South Dakota air/water pollution, 697 endangered/threatened species, 693 water quality, 693, 699, 702-703 water resources, 710 Texas sacred sites, 717 Utah air pollution, 724, 727, 728 endangered/threatened species, 720 protection of sacred sites, 720 toxic waste, 724 water resources, 720 water rights, 727 Washingtonstate air quality, 760 Brownfields project, 756 dam removal, 735, 775 endangered/threatened species, 735, 736, 743 flooding damages, 737 hazardous waste, 750 hydropower dams, 770 oil spill cleanup, 758 protection of sacred sites, 771 rainforest loss, 764 river contamination, 732 shellfish contamination, 779 Snoqualmie Falls, 771 timber overharvesting, 744 water pollution, 743 Wisconsin genetically modified rice, 794 water quality, 800, 803, 813 wetlands contamination, 788 Wyoming, 817 EqualizationAct (1959), 249 Eskimo, negative connotation of, 23 Evansville, 68-69 Ewiiaapaayp, 286-287 Exigent Solutions, LLC, 348 Eyak, 69-70 Eyak, 7 Eyak, 69-70 Fairbanks, 36 Fallon, 507-508 Fallon Tribal Development Corporation (FTDC), 507, 508 False Pass, 70-71 Far West, Inc., 50 Far West Inc., 15 Feather Falls Brewing Company, 313 Feather Hill Development Corporation, 494 Federal Communications Commission, 18 Federal Oil and Gas Royalty ManagementAct (FOGRMA) (1982), 542 Finance Alaska asset management, 14-15, 2021, 90 Arizona entrepreneurship, 239 California asset management, 349 credit unions, 346-347 equity firms, 330 investment returns, 338 loan services, 282 Colorado asset management, 368 Florida banks, 382 Iowa banks, 400 Minnesota banks, 457, 463 credit unions, 452, 463 Montana banks, 489 credit unions, 475 Nebraska banks, 496 New Mexico loan services, 534 North Dakota banks, 598 Pathways to Prosperity program, 598 Oklahoma banks, 612, 617 credit unions, 615 loan services, 641 South Dakota banks, 701 Washingtonstate banks, 785 loan services, 732 Wisconsin loan services, 796 Fire Island Wind LLC, 19 Fire Lake Discount Foods, 616, 617 First Nations Capital Partners (FNCP), 330 Fisheries Alaska, 82 commercial, 25, 27, 29, 49, 51, 59, 65, 68, 70, 78, 84, 85, 101, 108, 115, 116, 119, 134 oyster farming, 47 Arizona, 210, 216, 237 California, 285, 301-302 hatcheries, 295, 357, 365 Colorado commercial enterprises, 368 Idaho hatcheries, 393, 395, 396-397 Louisiana, 411 Massachusetts hatcheries, 424, 425 Michigan, 437, 444 commercial, 429 hatcheries, 434, 435 Minnesota, 448 commercial, 450 hatcheries, 452, 461, 466 Nevada, 503, 518 development of, 517, 520 hatcheries, 501, 513 New Mexico, 534, 550, 552, 556, 563, 566, 570, 572 wildlifemanagement, 539 New York shellfish hatcheries, 584 North Carolina hatcheries, 588 North Dakota, 592 Oklahoma, 612, 614 Oregon hatcheries, 669, 677 salmon enhancement, 679, 681 steelhead enhancement, 681 wildlife enhancement, 665 South Dakota, 701, 711 hatcheries, 699 Utah hatcheries, 720, 725 Washingtonstate aquaculture, 746, 748-749, 755, 775, 778 commercial, 761, 769 fishing rights, 751, 759, 766, 775, 785 hatcheries, 734, 737, 745, 746, 748-749, 752, 755, 757, 764, 769, 772, 776, 780, 782, 785 laboratories, 753 Wisconsin, 790, 794, 799, 803 hatcheries, 788, 796, 808, 810