Tiller’s Guide to Indian Country - Third Edition

Index 853 casinos, 696, 706 development of, 692 Gaming, Texas casinos, 715 Gaming, Utah development of, 725 Gaming,Washingtonstate casino resorts, 732, 736, 739, 743, 746, 757, 759, 763-764, 772, 774, 778, 780 casinos, 734, 744-745, 748, 751, 752, 753, 755, 761, 767, 769, 771, 776, 782, 785 revenue use, 732, 764 Gaming,Wisconsin casino resorts, 788, 790, 792, 794, 796, 799, 803, 808, 810, 813 casinos, 806 development of, 791-792 revenue use, 806 Gana-A' Yoo, Limited, 72, 87, 104, 141 Gay Head, 423-425 GeneralAllotmentAct (1887). See individual tribes Georgetown, 74 Gila River, 215-217 Gila River Telecommunications (Chandler, AZ), 213, 215 Goldbelt Inc., 178 Golovin. SeeChinik Goodnews Bay, 74-75 Goshute, 719-720 Goshute Skull Valley, 723-724 Government. See individual tribes Government as employer. See individual tribes Graduation rates. See individual tribes Grand Canyon Resort Corporation (GCRC), 222 Grand Portage, 449-451 Grand Ronde, 671-673 Grand Traverse, 428-430 Graton, 291 Grayling, 75-76 Great Basin Water Network, 720 Great Lakes Indian Fishery and Wildlife Commission, 450 Great Law of Peace (Kaianerekowa), 575 Great Sioux Nation. SeeSioux Greenville, 292 Grindstone, 292-293 Gros Ventre Fort Belknap, 481-482 Guidiville, 293-294 Gulkana, 76 Gun Lake. SeeMatch-E-Be-Nash-SheWish Gunn, Brian, 650 Gwich'inAthabascan, 6 Venetie, 194-195 Gwitchyaa Zhee Corporation, 71 Habematolel Pomo Indians of Upper Lake, 360-361 Haida, 7 Hydaburg, 81-82 Kasaan, 89-90 Haida Corporation Hydaburg, 81 Haines. SeeChilkoot Hannahville, 430-431 Harjo, Sterlin, 654 Harris, LaDonna, 620 Haudenosaunee Onondaga, 581 Havasupai Havasupai Tribe, 217-218 Havasupai Tribe, 217-218 Havasuw 'Baaja. SeeHavasupai Tribe Health care. See individual tribes Healy Lake (Healy Fork), 77 Hee-Yea-Lingde Corporation, 75 Helping Expedite andAdvance Responsible Tribal HomeownershipAct (HEARTH Act) (2012), 650 Hidatsa Fort Berthold, 591-594 Highways and roads. See individual tribes History. See individual tribes Ho-Chungras, 495-497 Ho-Chunk, 791-792 Ho-Chunk, Inc., 496, 497 Ho-Chunk Gra (Winnebago) Ho-Chunk Nation, 791-792 Hoh Hoh Indian Tribe, 737 Quinault, 762-764 Holikachuk. See Grayling HolikachukAthabascans, 6 Grayling, 75 Hollywood, 380-384 Holy Cross, 77-78 Homer, Elizabeth Lohah, 640 Homer Law Chartered, 640 Honeybuckets, 4, 23 Honor the Earth, 723 Hoonah, 78-79 Hoopa Modular, 295 Hoopa Valley, 294-296 Hoopa-Yurok SettlementAct (1988), 364, 365 Hooper Bay, 79 Hopi, 219-221 Hopi Colorado River, 207-208 Hopi, 219-221 Hopland, 296-297 Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, 417418 Housing. See Real estate; individual tribes Housing Act (1937), 229 Hualapai, 221-223 Hualapai Hualapai, 221-223 Hughes, 79-80 Huna Totem Corporation, 78 Hung A Lel Ti Band of the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California, 525 Hungwitchin Corporation, 63 Hunkpapa Standing Rock, 707-710 Hupa, 246 Blue Lake, 263-264 Hoopa Valley, 294-296 Huslia, 80-81 Hut'odleekkaakk'et. SeeHughes Hydaburg, 81-82 Idaho, 388-397 map, 388 Coeur d'Alene, 389-391 Fort Hall, 391-394 Kootenai, 394-395 Nez Perce, 395-397 cultural groups Bannock, 391-394 Coeur d'Alene, 389-391 Kootenai, 394-395 Nez Perce, 395-397 Shoshone, 391-394 Idaho Conservation League, 397 Idaho Rivers United, 397 Iditarod sled races, 75-76 Igiugig, 82 'Iipay-Tipai Barona, 252-253 Iliamna, 82-83 Iliamna Nondalton, 137-138 Immokalee, 387 Inaja-Cosmit, 297-298 Inalik. See Diomede Indian Gaming RegulatoryAct (1988), 212 Indian Land ConsolidationAct (1982), 234, 255 Indian Mineral DevelopmentAct (IMDA) (1982), 542 Indian Pueblos Federal Development Corporation (IPFDC), 548 Indian RemovalAct (1830), 412 Indian ReorganizationAct (1934). See individual tribes Indian Township, 418 Industrial parks Arizona, 208, 210, 216, 220, 228, 233, 237, 239, 242 California, 257, 258, 262, 267, 271, 334 Idaho, 390 Michigan, 435 Mississippi, 470 Montana, 475, 482, 484, 485, 487 Navajo Nation, 228 Nevada, 523 New Mexico, 547, 550, 553, 570 New York, 577-578 North Carolina, 588 Oklahoma, 601, 605, 608, 615, 617, 628, 638, 644, 649, 651, 653, 661 Oregon, 669, 677, 679 South Dakota, 696, 699 Utah, 726 Washington state, 734, 743, 755, 772, 780 Wisconsin, 796, 799, 806 Infrastructure. See individual tribes Ingalik, Inc., 38 IngalikAthabascan, 6 Anvik, 38-39 Chuathbaluk, 56-57 Crooked Creek, 59-60 Grayling, 75-76 Holy Cross, 77-78 Shageluk, 174 Takotna, 182-183 IntermezzoWines, 383 International business Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana and Israel, 411 Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative, 551 Inter-Tribal Buffalo Council, 459, 595 Intertribal Environmental Coalition, 629 Intertribal Information Technology Company, 612 Inupiat Atqasuk, 41-42 Barrow, 42-43 Buckland, 45 Kaktovik, 85-86 King Salmon, 93-94 Kobuk, 98-99 Kotzebue, 102-103 Noatak, 135-136 Nome, 136-137 Nuiqsut, 140-141 Point Lay, 156-157 Selawik, 173 Shishmaref, 175-176 Shungnak, 177 Solomon, 179 Wainwright, 195-196 Inupiat Eskimo Chinik, 54-55 Deering, 61-62 Diomede, 62 Elim, 67-68 Shaktoolik, 174-175 Teller, 186-187 Unalakleet, 193-194 Wales, 196-197 WhiteMountain, 197 Ione, 298-299 Iowa (Ioway) Iowa Tribe, 627-629 Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska (ITKN), 401-402 Iowa (state), 398-400 map, 398 Sac and Fox, 399-400 cultural groups Meskwaki, 399-400 Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska (ITKN), 401-402 Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma, 627-629 Iqfijouaq Co., 64 Iqurmuit, 83-84 Iriquois Confederacy. SeeSeneca Nation Irrigation. See alsoAgriculture Arizona, 207, 209, 212, 215, 220, 224, 234, 236, 237, 243 California, 290 Colorado, 370 Montana, 484 Nevada, 503, 520 New Mexico, 539 Utah, 722, 723 Isabella, 431-433 Isanotski Corporation, 70 Isleta, 533-535 Isleta Business Corporation (IBC), 534 Ivanof Bay, 84-85 Jackson, 299 Jamul, 300 Jemez, 535-537 Jemez Community Development Corporation (JCDC), 536