Tiller’s Guide to Indian Country - Third Edition

Index 857 Nevada, 498-527 map, 498 Battle Mountain, 499-500 Carson Colony, 500 Dresslerville, 501 Duck Valley, 502-503 Duckwater, 504 Elko Colony, 505 Ely Shoshone, 506 Fallon, 507-508 Fort McDermitt, 508-509 Las Vegas Paiute, 509-510 Lovelock Colony, 510-511 Moapa, 511-512 Pyramid Lake, 513-514 Reno-Sparks, 515-516 South Fork, 517 Stewart, 518 Summit Lake, 518 Te-Moak, 519 Walker River, 519-521 Washoe, 522-523 Wells Band, 523-524 Winnemucca, 524 Woodfords, 525 Yerington, 525-526 Yomba, 526-527 cultural groups Northern Paiute, 519-521 Numa, 508-509 Nuwuvi, 511-512 Paiute, 502-503, 507-508, 510511, 513-516, 518, 524-526 Shoshone, 502-504, 507-508, 515-516, 524, 526-527 Washoe, 500-501, 518, 522523, 525 Western Shoshone, 499-500, 505-506, 517, 519, 523-524 NewAllakaket Village, 33-34 Newe. SeeWestern Shoshone Newhalen, 129-130 New Koliganek, 127-128 New Mexico, 528-573 map, 528 Acoma, 529-530 Alamo, 531 Cochiti, 532-533 Fort SillApache, 533 Isleta, 533-535 Jemez, 535-537 JicarillaApache, 538-541 Laguna, 543-544 MescaleroApache, 546-547 Nambé, 548-549 Navajo Nation, 225-231 Ohkay Owingeh, 549-550 Picuris, 551-552 Pojoaque, 552-554 Ramah, 554-555 Sandia, 558-559 San Felipe, 555-556 San Ildefonso, 556-557 SantaAna, 560-561 Santa Clara, 562-563 Santo Domingo, 564-565 Taos, 565-566 Tesuque, 567-568 To'Hajiilee, 568-569 Zia, 570-571 Zuni, 571-573 cultural groups Apache, 533 JicarillaApache, 538-541 Keresan, 529-530, 543-544, 555-556, 560-561, 564-565, 570-571 MescaleroApache, 546-547 Navajo, 531, 554-555, 568-569 Pueblo of Cochiti, 532-533 Tanoan-Tiwa, 551-552 Tano-Jemez, 535-537 Tano-Tigua, 533-535 Tewa, 548-550, 556-557, 562563, 567-568 Tiwa, 558-559, 565-566 Zuni, 571-573 Newspapers/news publications Alabama, 2 Alaska, 16, 73 Arizona, 202, 204, 210, 216, 221, 228, 229, 233, 239, 241 California, 250, 253, 268, 271, 277, 281, 290, 295, 300, 322, 326, 330, 332, 338, 341, 343, 347 Colorado, 368 Connecticut, 374 Florida, 384 Idaho, 390, 393, 397 Kansas, 406, 408 Maine, 420, 421 Michigan, 428, 430, 432, 438, 439, 444 Minnesota, 448, 466 Montana, 480 Navajo Nation, 228 Nebraska, 497 Nevada, 503, 507, 514, 526 New Mexico, 540 New York, 580, 583, 586 North Carolina, 588 North Dakota, 596, 599 Oklahoma, 602, 608, 612, 615, 617, 619, 622, 627, 628, 632, 635, 636, 646, 651, 653, 656, 660, 661, 663 Oregon, 672, 677, 679, 681 South Dakota, 692 Texas, 717 Utah, 720, 726 Washington state, 749, 751, 757, 759, 764, 773, 775, 780 Wisconsin, 788, 790, 792, 796, 799, 808, 811, 813 New Stuyahok, 128-129 Newtok, 130-131 New York, 574-586 map, 574 introduction, 575-576 Allegany, 576-577 Cattaraugus, 577-578 Cayuga, 578-579 Oil Springs, 579 Oneida, 579-580 Onondaga, 581 Saint Regis Mohawk, 582-584 Shinnecock, 584-585 Tonawanda, 585 Tuscarora, 585-586 cultural groups Akwesasne Mohawk, 582-584 Algonquian, 582-584 Cayuga, 578-579 Haudenosaunee, 581 Oneida, 579-580 Seneca, 575-579, 585 Tuscarora, 585-586 Nez Perce Colville, 733-735 Nez Perce Tribe, 395-397 Nez Perce Tribe, 395-397 Nightmute, 131-132 Nikolai, 132-133 Nikolski, 133-134 Nilavena. See Iliamna NIMACorporation, 117 Ninilchik, 134-135 Nisqually Nisqually Indian Tribe, 752-753 Noatak, 135-136 Nome, 136-137 Nomlaki Grindstone, 292-293 Paskenta, 319 Round Valley, 333-334 Nondalton, 137-138 Nooiksut. SeeNuiqsut Nooksack Nooksack Indian Tribe, 753-754 Noorvik, 138-139 Nordhaus Law Firm, 231 North Carolina, 587-589 Eastern Band of Cherokee, 587-589 cultural groups Cherokee, 587-589 North Dakota, 590-600 map, 590 Fort Berthold, 591-594 Spirit Lake, 594-597 Turtle Mountain, 597-600 cultural groups Arikara, 591-594 Chippewa, 597-600 Hidatsa, 591-594 Mandan, 591-594 Mni Wakan Oyate Sioux, 594597 Northern Arapaho Tribe, 815-817 Northern Cheyenne Northern Cheyenne Tribe, 486-488 Northern Cheyenne Tribe, 486-488 Northern Paiute Walker River, 519-521 Northern Shoshone, 392 Northern Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah and Ouray Ute Reservation, 724727 North Fork, 317 North Slope Borough, 5 Northway Village, 139-140 Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community (NNEC), 798, 802-803 Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi, 440-441 NOVACorporation, 230 Nuiqsut, 140-141 Nulato, 141-142 Numa. Seealso Paiute Fort McDermitt, 508-509 Numunu. SeeComanche Nunakauyak Traditional Council, 143 Nunakauyak Yup'ik Corporation, 142 Nunakauyarmiut, 142-143 Nunam Iqua, 143-144 Nunamiut, 6 Anaktuvuk Pass, 35 Nunamiut Eskimo Evansville, 68-69 Hughes, 79-80 Nunapitchuk, 144-145 Nuniwarmiut Cup'ig Mekoryuk, 117-118 Nuwuvi. Seealso Paiute Moapa, 511-512 NWBEconomic Development Corporation, 728 Nzhonachi'idle'ee (JicarillaApache Health Care Facility), 540, 541 Oceanside Native Corporation, 150 Ohgsenakale. See Portage Creek Ohkay Owingeh, 549-550 Oil and gas Alaska, 4, 7-18, 19, 21, 84, 101 Arizona, 225, 226, 228 Colorado, 368 Louisiana, 410 Minnesota, 448 Montana, 475, 477, 484, 487 Navajo Nation, 225, 226, 228 New Mexico, 540, 542 North Dakota, 592 Oklahoma, 601, 605, 612, 626, 638, 641 South Dakota, 692, 709 Texas, 714 leasing, 717 Utah, 720, 725 Wyoming, 815, 816 Oil Springs, 579 Ojibwa Lac Courte Oreilles, 793-794 Ojibwa (Chippewa) Sault Ste. Marie, 443-444 Ojibway (Chippewa) Bois Forte, 445-447 Mille Lacs, 455-458 Ojibwe Leech Lake, 451-454 Red Lake Band, 460-461 Okanogan Colville, 733-735 Oklahoma, 601-663 Absentee Shawnee, 601-602 Alabama Quassarte, 602-603 Apache Tribe, 603-604 Caddo Nation, 604-605 Cherokee Nation, 607-609 Cheyenne-Arapaho, 610 Chickasaw Nation, 611-613 Choctaw Nation, 613-616 Citizen Potawatomi, 616-617 Comanche, 618-619 Creek Nation, 621-623 Delaware Nation, 623-624 Eastern Shawnee, 624-625 Fort SillApache, 625-627 Iowa Tribe, 627-629 Kaw Nation, 629-631 Kickapoo, 632-633 Kiowa, 633-634 Miami, 634-635