Index 864 Wenatchee, 733-735 Yakama, 782-785 Washoe, 248 Carson Colony, 500 Dresslerville, 501 Stewart, 518 Susanville, 347-348 Washoe, 522-523 Woodfords, 525 Washoe Tribe, 522-523 Water supply. See individual tribes WCD Enterprises, 605 Wells Band, 523-524 Wenatchee Colville, 733-735 Weott. SeeWiyot West Electronics, Inc., 484, 485 Western Mono, 247 Big Sandy, 258-259 Cold Springs, 277-278 North Fork, 317 Table Mountain, 351 Western Shoshone Battle Mountain, 499-500 Elko Colony, 505 Ely Shoshone, 506 South Fork, 517 Te-Moak, 519 Wells Band, 523-524 Wheeler Howard Act (1934), 328, 331, 335, 411 Whilkut, 248 White Earth, 464-467 White Earth Land Recovery Project, 465 WhiteMountain, 197 White MountainApache Tribe, 209-211 WhiteMountainApacheWildlife and Outdoor Recreation Division, 210-211 Wichita Tribal Enterprises, 661 WIE Transload, 485 WildEarth Guardians, 727 Wilton, 363 WinComp, 496 Wind River, 815-817 Winnebago Winnebago Tribe, 495-497 Winnebago Bison Project, 496 Winnebago Tribe, 495-497 Winnemucca, 524 Wintun, 248 Colusa, 278-279 Cortina, 279-280 Greenville, 292 Grindstone, 292-293 Middletown, 311-312 Redding, 326-327 Round Valley, 333-334 Rumsey, 335 Wisconsin, 786-813 map, 786 Bad River, 787-788 Forest County, 789-790 Ho-Chunk, 791-792 Lac Courte Oreilles, 793-794 Lac du Flambeau, 795-797 Menominee, 797-801 Mole Lake, 802-803 Oneida, 804-807 Red Cliff, 807-808 St. Croix Chippewa, 809-811 Stockbridge-Munsee, 812-813 cultural groups Chippewa, 787-788, 795-797, 809-811 Chippewa (Ojibwe), 802-803, 807-808 Ho-Chunk Gra (Winnebago), 791-792 Menominee, 797-801 Ojibwa, 793-794 Oneida, 804-807 Potawatomi, 789-790 Stockbridge-Munsee Mochican, 812-813 Witchita, 660-661 Witchita Witchita andAffiliatedTribes, 660-661 Wiyot, 248 Blue Lake, 263-264 Rohnerville, 332-333 Table Bluff, 350-351 Trinidad, 355-356 Woodfords, 525 Woodlands National Bank, 457 Worcester v. Georgia (USSC) (1832), 607 World Heritage Sites New Mexico, 566 Wrangell, 198 Wyandotte Wyandotte Nation, 662-663 Wyandotte Nation, 662-663 Wyoming, 814-817 map, 814 Wind River, 815-817 cultural groups Shoshone, 815-817 XL Ranch, 364 Yahooskin Klamath, 673-675 Yakama Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, 782-785 Yak-Tat Kwaan Inc., 198 Yakutat, 198-199 Yana, 248 Redding, 326-327 Yankton, 710-712 Yanktonai Standing Rock, 707-710 Yavapai Camp Verde, 202-205 Colorado River, 207-208 Fort McDowell, 212-213 Yavapai-Prescott, 242-243 Yavapai-Apache Nation. SeeCamp Verde Yavapai-Prescott, 242-243 Yedatene Na Corporation, 97 Yerington, 525-526 Yocha Dehe. SeeWintun Yokuts, 248 Santa Rosa, 339 Tule River, 356-357 Yomba, 526-527 Ysleta del Sur Pueblo, 715-717 Yuki, 248 Round Valley, 333-334 Yupiit ofAndreafski, 36 Yup'ik, 7 Akiachak, 28 Akiak, 28-29 Alakanuk, 30-31 Aleknagik, 31-32 Algaaciq, 32-33 Andreafsky, 36 Aniak, 37-38 Asa'carsarmiut, 39-40 Atmautluak,41 Igiugig, 82 Iliamna, 82-83 Iqurmiut, 83-84 Kasigluk, 90-91 Kipnuk, 94-95 Kongiganak, 100-101 Kotlik, 101-102 Kwethluk, 105-106 Kwigillingok, 106-107 Kwinhagak, 107-109 Levelock, 110-111 Lower Kalskag, 111-112 Manokotak, 113-114 Marshall, 114-116 Napakiak, 122-123 Napaskiak, 123-124 Newhalen, 129-130 New Koliganek, 127-128 New Stuyahok, 128-129 Newtok, 130-131 Nightmute, 131-132 Nunapitchuk, 144-145 Orutsararmuit, 146-147 Oscarville, 147-148 Pilot Station, 152-153 Pitka's Point, 153-154 Platinum, 154-155 Portage Creek, 161 Red Devil, 166-167 Saint Michael, 168-169 Upper Kalskag, 86-87 Yup'ik Eskimo Chefornak, 48-49 Chevak, 49-50 Chuathbaluk, 56-57 Clark's Point, 57-58 Crooked Creek, 59-60 Curyung, 60-61 Eek, 64 Egegik, 65 Ekwok, 66-67 Emmonak, 68 Georgetown, 74 Goodnews Bay, 74-75 Hooper Bay, 79 Nunakauyarmiut, 142-143 Nunam Iqua, 143-144 Scammon Bay, 172-173 Stebbins, 180-181 Stony River, 181-182 Togiak, 188 Tuluksak, 188-189 Tuntutuliak, 189-190 Tununak, 190-191 Twin Hills, 191 Umkumiute, 193 Yurok, 248 Big Lagoon, 256-257 Blue Lake, 263-264 Resighini, 328-329 Trinidad, 355-356 Yurok Tribe, 364-366 Yurok Tribe, 364-366 Zho-Tse Inc., 174 Zia, 570-571 Ziibiwing Cultural Society, 432, 433 Zuni Zuni Pueblo, 571-573 Zuni Cultural Resource Enterprise, 572 Zuni Land ConservationAct (1990), 572, 573 Zuni Pueblo, 571-573